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Safety and Health of Egg Donations

Egg donation is a very safe and giving procedure. Many women are considering becoming egg donors concerned about their future fertility and health.

Women are carefully screened to ensure that they first understand and are committed to the egg donation process. Their age, weight, height and medical history are carefully considered to ensure the health of the egg donor and optimize conceptual opportunities for the recipient.

The actual process of egg donation involves taking drugs to stimulate the ovaries to produce follicles where the egg will grow. Egg donors take this medicine for two weeks. All this time, she was closely monitored to make sure her body reacted to the drug and she was feeling well. Fertility specialists will adjust the medicine depending on the needs of the egg donor.

She was put under anesthesia on the day of egg retrieval to reduce her discomfort. Eggs are taken vaginally.

After egg intake, the egg donor may feel a little bloated. This is best handled by drinking lots of water. If she experiences pain or discomfort after the egg donation, she is encouraged to visit the fertility specialist again and she can arrange the treatment according to the procedure she has undergone and her unique needs.

Egg donation does not affect women's own fertility. Only a few eggs are taken and this procedure does not affect the quality of the egg nor its ability to conceive when it is ready.


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