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How To Manage Your Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a complex ingredient needed for the brain, cell integrity and sex hormone formation, It is found primarily in animals. They can be classified as High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-density Lipoprotein. LDL is bad because it brings fat to the tissue to be deposited. HDL is good because it transports cholesterol back to the liver for excretion. However, normal clinical trials will include tests for HDL, LDL and triglycerides.

High fiber foods like vegetables and fruits will help lower cholesterol. Reducing saturated fats like palm oil, coconut milk, butter, fat and meat and skin with unsaturated fats will reduce cholesterol.

A healthy diet should include fruit, vegetables, cereals, oats, peas, barley and beans if possible. Use moderate amounts of polystyrene and mono-saturated fats and do not recycle the oil. Many hawkers are guilty. Eggs are a source of vitamin A. But if you have a history of high cholesterol, please limit your intake. Egg yolk is high in dietary cholesterol but has less effect on blood cholesterol.

Olive oil has been suggested to lower bad cholesterol but exercise has proven to produce good cholesterol. It is prudent to limit your intake of no more than 300mg of cholesterol daily. The anchovies are known to have high cholesterol and salt. Soak in water to remove salt. Coconut contains no cholesterol but is high in saturated fat.

Consuming high fiber diet has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. Fiber is a nutrient and essential for health. It adds bulk to your diet and keeps you full so we are less inclined to "snack" on high calorie foods. Fiber binds to bile salts and is released from the body. More bile salts are avoided as more cholesterol is lost. Given that a low-fat diet according to exercise is still important.

Recommended daily intake of two fruits plus two vegetables is required to maintain a healthy diet of fiber or equivalent to 25g of fiber daily. By including whole grains in our diet we can increase our fiber intake.

Soluble or insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is found in nuts, nuts, nuts, wheat, barley and fruits. Insoluble including cereals, vegetables and fruit skins.

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