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How Long Should I Jump Rope to Lose Weight?

The question you want to ask is what weight will you lose? Do you lose fat, water or muscle?

Losing Water

There is no doubt that jumping rope will make you lose weight and the first indication of weight loss will come from losing water. This loss will begin to show as you sweat. Losing weight with sweat can be dangerous. Once you drink the weight fluid will come back and that's not what you're looking for.

Lose muscle

Weight loss can come from muscle. This will happen if you jump rope for a long time and don't eat properly. Your energy should come from fat supply but when they are depleted, muscle is next. Losing muscle is not good because it burns the food you eat.

Weight Loss

The weight you want to lose is body fat. You will lose body fat if you eat properly and follow your diet.

The calories you burn

If you are not fit and can only skip slowly then you will see burning about 10-13 calories every minute you jump. For someone who doesn't take a minute to jump is a long time. As you explode and accelerate your jump, calories burned rise to around 18 -22 minutes. This number is only one approximation. You need to know a person's weight and the amount of fat they want to lose, to determine how long you need to jump to lose that weight.

A little advice

Jumping rope is considered a high impact activity and should be approached with caution, especially if you are inadequate and overweight. If you are inadequate, overweight and want to jump rope then try the following:

· Walk for 5 minutes as soon as possible.

· Then stop and jump for 30 seconds.

· Repeat this sequence 5 times.

· Do this three times a week for two weeks.

· Now for the next two weeks, add the time you jump rope until you jump briefly.

· In the next few weeks, reduce the time spent running and increase it over time. Example: 4 min walk - 2 min skip.

Remember to stay hydrated while doing exercise.

Even if you put pressure on your knees, ankles and hips, it has a lower impact than jogging, if you jump rope properly.

So the sum: the length of time you need to jump rope to lose weight will be determined by the amount of food you eat as this determines the fuel that has been transformed into energy.


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