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Herbal Medicine Remedies for Bladder


Urinary tract infections are often called cystitis which means inflammation.

Urinary tract infections usually occur only in women, but are rare in men. Women have a shorter urethra than men. Urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder and since it is only about one and a half inches long it makes it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder.

Urinary tract infection is not a serious disease if caught early but recurrence can cause kidney problems.


Symptoms of bladder infection are a burning sensation when emptying the bladder. Painful diabetes is often accompanied by vomiting, fever, chills, diarrhea and back pain.

If you have pain or difficulty urinating, it can be a sign of sexual illness, vaginal infections, kidney stones, enlarged prostrate or bladder or prostate tumors.


Burning while urinating may be your first symptom. There are alternative treatments that can help. But if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours please see a doctor.


Acupuncture can help prevent recurrence of bladder infections, consult a professional acupuncturist.

AROMATHERAPY Try to put a few drops of iceberg in a hot bath such as juniper berry, eucalyptus, sandalwood, pine, parsley or cedar. You can also try the massage on the bottom using the essential oils above.


Adjusting the bones and joints around the pelvis can act to strengthen the bladder muscles to help prevent recurrent infections.


Some herbs have been found useful in clearing bladder infections and reducing the burning that accompanies them.

The most popular herb for urinary tract infections is cranberries that have the ability to fight urinary infections. Other ingredients that are known to be useful are those. Add me a teaspoon of tea to 1 cup boiling water, let cool then drink 1 tablespoon per hour up to 1 cup a day.


If the urge to get urine is a very strong use of Cantharis. If you have a painful spleen or you have blood in your urine, try Mercurius corrosivus.

For women with urinary tract infections acquired by sexual activity, use Staphysagria. Take medication every hour until your symptoms are gone. If there is no relief after 24 hours consult your doctor.


Drinking plenty of fluids will make you constantly dump urine that can expel bacteria. You should avoid drinks that irritate the urinary tract such as alcohol, coffee, black tea, milk chocolate, soda and orange juice.


Practice good bathroom hygiene. Clean the rectum properly after bowel movement. Women should always clean from front to back after going to the toilet to avoid spreading bacteria. Manage as soon as you feel the urge and drink plenty of fluids especially water and cranberry juice.


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