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Gout: How To Control It - Dietary Management In Gout

The three main objectives of gout management are:

(i) the immediate release of the inflammation,

(ii) to stop repeated attacks, and

(iii) to lower the rate of deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints and to increase the rate of excretion through the urine.

Diet management in gout

In this disease, although some relief from pain can be achieved by temporarily decomposing uric acid from the body with the drug, total healing is not possible. Only with dietary restriction, that is, with proper dietary control, is the release of gout possible. The main condition of this diet is by eating only purine. But one can take foods that contain too much purine too. If the daily intake of purine can be limited to 100 - 150 mg, then the symptoms of gout and hyper-uremiaemia will be much lower. The following chart shows the level of purine in different types of foods:

Maximum levels of Purine (150 - 825 mg / 100 g) - to be completely avoided:

Liver, kidney, red meat, shellfish, herring, sardines, meat extracts, gravy, soups, minced meat, sweet bread, soyabean, rajma, lentils, alcoholic beverages (especially beer and wine).

Medium level purine (50 - 150 mg / 100 g) - may be taken occasionally:

Wholegrain bread, spinach, grains, cauliflower, nuts, mushrooms, asparagus, oatmeal, wheatgerm & bran, chicken, freshwater fish.

Minimum purine levels (0 - 50 mg / 100 g) - can be taken in large quantities:

Tea, coffee, soda, refined cereals, eggs, cheese, milk, nuts, cream soup, macaroni / noodles, fruits & fruit juices, vegetables, butter, vegetable oils.

Basic food in gout

Because carbohydrate foods help to increase the amount of gout, 50 - 55% of the total calorie content of each gout patient should come from carbohydrate foods. The amount of protein intake should be limited to the ideal weight of 1g / kg. The amount of fat intake also needs to be controlled. Only 30% of the total calories should come from fat. The amount of cholesterol, however, should not exceed 300 mg / day.

In general, the majority of people with gout or hyper-uremiaemia also suffer from obesity. Therefore, to keep the disease under control, it is necessary to maintain a controlled weight. For this, it is necessary to reduce your daily calorie requirements by 400-500 calories.

In addition, it can be seen that there is a sufficient amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus in the daily diet chart. It is required to regulate uric acid levels in the blood and to eliminate kidney stones. Drink at least 3 - 4 liters of water daily. Vegetables, fruit juices, milk and milk products are very useful in this case.

Foods that can be taken in gout

* cereals & refined grain products, cornflakes, bread, flour, arrowroot, sago, juices, tapioca, noodles, rice flour, etc. - 150 - 250 g

* milk, milk products, cheese, paneer

* eggs (1n.), linfish / linmeat (30 g, 3 - 5 times / week)

* potatoes, carrots, garlic, onions, cabbage, pumpkin, capsule, pumpkin, etc.

* cashew, tomato, amla, cucumber, watermelon, papaya, apple

* ginseng, candy, dessert, pudding

* butter, vegetable oil, olive oil (10 - 30 g / day)

* tea, coffee, cocoa, fruit juice, vegetable juice, pure drinking water.

But if the gout is too severe, in addition to avoiding high and moderate purines that contain foods, eggs, butter, cheese and fries, they should also be avoided.

Does tea & coffee increase uric acid levels?

Many people think that tea and coffee should be avoided entirely in gout because they contain purines. But, in fact, the purine contained in tea or coffee does not harm gout. Because, tea or coffee contains methylated purine, which will be converted to methyl uric acid. It cannot be deposited into the body, but is excreted via urine.

Sample diet chart to control gout


* cereal breakfast / bread + jam / butter

* apple pudding

* tea / coffee

Before noon:

* cucumber + orange juice


* rice / chapatti

* vegetable (skinny potato curry or pumpkin curry)

* Small fish / paneer

* white curd


* mixed fruit salad


* early pulao

* cucumber + tomato salad

* pudding / custard

This is a sample diet chart. But given the individual health conditions, age, weight, height and ability to work, for a real diet chart, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Just in case

It is very dangerous to fast completely to lose weight in gout, because fasting fats deposited in the body begin to break down causing stress on the liver. In addition, the nucleic acid in the cell breaks down and increases the level of uric acid in the blood. Due to the high fat metabolism rate, the chances of severe gout are greatly increased. In addition, lactic acid levels in the blood can increase and complicate the condition. It is also important to regulate blood sugar levels constantly.


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