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Glycemic Index For Abs

One of the most amazing weight loss transformations I've ever seen was from a colleague. He is overweight but not fat.

She suddenly found out from a routine doctor's visit that she had diabetes. He had no clue before the normal checkup. Diabetes is a blood sugar disorder caused by insufficient insulin production or the inability of cells to use insulin properly.

What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and released into the bloodstream during the digestive process. The purpose of insulin is to deliver glucose or blood sugar into the cell for energy use. When insulin is down or secreted, it causes body pressure and usually manifests itself in physical activity. Uncontrolled, it can lead to excessive thirst, frequent urination, dry skin, blurred vision, fatigue and many other disorders including weight gain.

Glucose is made from the foods or carbohydrates you eat. It changes from the sweet sugar we taste in our food to the blood sugar we can use. This is the energy for your cells.

Glucose is stored in the liver as glycogen. When one changes blood glucose, the liver converts stored glycogen into glucose and releases it into the bloodstream for low glucose levels. For high levels, the pancreas treats insulin to signal the liver to shut down glucose production. The pancreas constantly monitors blood sugar levels and responds by injecting the right amount of insulin into the system. It acts like a governor and directly reacts to the high levels of sugar consumed.

What you need to know about the glycemic index is to really understand how food affects your insulin secretion. Understanding your insulin secret is like learning how to drive a car. You may know how to turn it on and get it, but that doesn't mean you won't be trapped until you have an understanding of road rules and how the engine works. To do this, you need to know about carbohydrates.

The two types of carbohydrates that have the greatest impact on your weight are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Moderate carbohydrates have little nutritional value and are characterized by being dry and free of any fiber such as donuts, cakes, candies, pies, cookies, breads, white flour products, and so on. They are quickly converted into bloodstream which results in a 911 call to your pancreas to send insulin to fight the sugar flood. Usually, due to the excess sugar shock to the system, the pancreas reacts to the flood of insulin. When insulin levels are high, glucose is quickly released from the blood, faster than it can be metabolized. This glucose is converted into fat in the cell. Over time this accumulation is a layer of fat that covers your abs.

Complex carbohydrates are better for you. They have more fiber density and are characterized by being wet or juicy - hence fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have sugar in them but they also carry fiber. Such fruits and vegetables are digested more slowly in the system. 911 calls to the pancreas were avoided and no excess insulin was produced. Fruits are metabolized efficiently without excess sugar stored in fat cells.

Back to my colleague, he lost 50 lbs in two months. All of these weight loss results from following the glycemix index of the diet and diet plan. He was unable to train for back injuries and had not practiced for years. The secret is that he never eats more than 40 carbohydrates per sitting. Second, he will also eat glycemic snacks (low complex foods) or protein snacks between meals. It maintains its insulin levels throughout the day. He said that he was actually eating more than he had before.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index is a carbohydrate rating on a scale of 0-100 until your blood sugar level is raised. It measures how much your blood glucose levels rise after eating. Low glycemic food is less than 55 and results in a small increase in insulin levels. Intermediate glycemic index foods are between 56-70 and high glycemic index foods over 70.

Avoiding a high glycemic index diet is a good start to losing weight and seeing your abs again. High glycemic foods are not necessarily all good things you love to eat. Believe it or not, the Snickers bar is rated as a low glycemic food with a rank of 40. This does not mean you should eat a snack bar 5 times a day. There are many empty calories in the candy bar. Peanuts in the candy bar are digested more slowly to provide a lower position. Ice cream has a glycemic rating of 61. Again it's not something you should overdo but it does show that you can change your diet and not lose all your favorite foods.

Depending on how you eat and paying attention to how your body responds will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Invest several times into the glycemic index and then formulate your surrounding plan. You can read more about weight loss and get stronger abs in the Best Abs Diet.


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