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5 Flat Belly Exercises For Beginners

When starting a new exercise routine choosing the right exercises for flat stomach is important if you want to shed fat and get a flat stomach. A mix of cardio and toning exercises is required to develop the six pack of abs you want. Here are 5 best newbie exercises for flat stomachs that can help you cut off the fluff in your waist.

1. Walking.

Walking is a great exercise for your heart, arms, legs, and glutes, it is one of the best beginner exercises for a flat stomach. One hour of fast can burn up to 240 calories while also absorbing your abs. What makes exercise great is the fact that it can fit into your daily routine because you can choose to walk to and from work or when visiting a grocery store instead of driving your car. If you use public transport, stop one or two early stops and walk along the road.

2. Cycling.

An hour of cycling can help you burn up to 1,000 calories. Regular bicycles and bicycles are excellent tools for burning calories and tightening your abdominal muscles. They involve some muscles in the lower body such as the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. Bicycles also work as your core muscles because they need to balance and support your upper body as a pedal. It's also one of the exercises for a flat stomach that you can do with your family as you work to shed that extra pound.

3. Swim.

Swimming is a full body workout that tones all your muscles including your upper extremities. It is also a very powerful calorie burner. an hour of swimming will burn an average of 667 calories. Swimming is one of the best exercises throughout the round for a flat stomach because it makes you work out a lot of your body while exercising your stomach. The combination of fat burning and muscle toning is the perfect blend to develop strong and strong abs.

4. Resistance or Strength Training.

Resistance or strength training is considered one of the best flat-heel exercises because your muscles will burn calories even while you are resting. Resistance training exercises are not just for men as they are an effective flat stomach exercise for women as well. Women are worried about resistance training because they think they will develop great muscles. But this won't happen. The big muscles that male bodybuilders have are male testosterone hormones and a very specific body building training program.

5. Plank.

The board is one of those exercises for the flat stomach that tests your endurance while building strength in your shoulders, back, glutes, and abdominals. This exercise will give you hard abs as it works primarily on the rectal and horizontal muscles.


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