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The Train Whistle... Source of Comfort - Source of Pain

I was sitting in a cushion in the corner of my massage room meditating when it came. Sitting quietly, no music, no cd telling me how to meditate or what to imagine was not easy for me. For a long time, it seemed like a waste of time for a Dutchman who had to have a program in his head that told me that being productive was, by far, the most important human enterprise on a daily basis. Somewhere along the way, I learned that the spinning mind was a happy mind, but then I learned not to. Rotating thoughts are what the brain does when it is moved and does not focus on meaningful thoughts or projects. I've met a lot of people with mind blowing and it's tiring. Many minds spin well into the night and deny that we sleep. And I've learned to meditate, which is for me to let my thoughts spin and just breathe.

Just breathe ... How often do I tell my customers to just breathe. Most with spinning thoughts either hold their breath for a period of time while concentrating or breathing with small bites from their upper chest between their spine and chin. A method of getting rid of the oxygen brain. Oxygen = good, so people might think to take a deep breath. Another thing, high chest breathing, is the kind of breathing we do when stressed, scared or scared. It literally signals to the brain that something is wrong, is under attack or is under stress. To help us, the brain sends us some chemicals that make us fight or flight mode and we get worse. The soothing medications prevent the cell receptors from receiving anxious, angry and fearful chemicals so that when they do appear, the site is blocked and they cannot cause our stomach aches or rotations of our minds. Great discoveries to help you get through the bad times before maybe learning how to not have it or need meds.

So sometimes I tell clients to breathe from the stomach, under the umbilical cord even if it makes you look fat! Here, the breathing is focused, slowly and intentionally sending the message that everything is good, controlled and good. The brain responds by sending good chemicals for peace, safety and satisfaction even though some find it "unproductive." That is why the Buddha has a small stomach and a smile on his face. All good with deep breathing. Everything is hell with shallow chest breathing. The brain will think about what we need to do to make our day dependent on the message we breathe. So when I say pressure and want to "breathe", it's always a big stomach breath and I can feel them melting on the table.

But back to that point. While breathing, just breathing, I hear it. The wind was blowing in the corner and the gap in my practice house was in so it was a good moment for the zone. But then I heard it. Train whistle in the distance through the city. It's perfect. The breeze in the eves, the long, lonely but calming sound of the train and the weak twigs on the rail. That's all good ... for me, and then my mind drifts towards my sister.

I visited him a few months ago and while driving together in the city started down the road with a railroad crossing. He was driving and I realized that the car was fast and we passed it and headed to town quickly. We're all here. Trains and whistles during the day or night didn't mean the same thing to my sister's mind as they did to me. My grandson and nephew were recently killed by a train he didn't respond to while wearing a headphone. She lost her mind, no doubt, for missing her grandmother that morning on a short trip to a store across the track in Rochester, NY. She never heard him coming and died instantly. She and her grandmother were buried on the same day.

The train sounded unsettling to my sister's mind. They scare her and cause her pain. Now the train sounds everywhere and sometimes he has to close the window to protect himself from what he has never seen before. The nighttime whistle trainers did not comfort her because they did so because her brain was being treated and by association, car sounds were all linked to the worst experiences of her life and her daughter's life. The brain will do that to you. I listen to trains and whistles as I write and they do not remember the anxiety, anger and depression they brought to him. These sounds are not directly related to personal pain or emotional trauma. I was a little thrown away. I want to open the window and take it. He has to put his hand to his ear if he hears it until it passes. This is the power of the mind and what it wants to associate with it. It determines our behavior and sometimes causes others to ask us why.

None of us is free from this phenomenon of peace or panic in relation to sound, idea, person or organization. Our experiences and associations trapped in moments of pain, fear and indignation will forever ruin the way we filter our world. I had a hard time with organized religion, which has been an oxymoron for me. It would be difficult for me to pray the sermon of a man who didn't do his homework or just become an emotional Bible reader trying to motivate the audience as it would be my sister to stand at the intersection of RR and wave of engineers. It's all about the associations and memories that are attached to them, that make us so who we are and do or not do what they do.

I visited an old man in a nursing home once dead and read "God's Prayer" to him when I arrived. Every now and then he would sweat and be shocked and I would tell him everything he had to do physically. He did this about three times during the prayer. It's odd. His son was there and I asked him why his father did that because he should have stopped when he was done. The boy said that when his father was young and learned God's prayer in school, every time he hesitated or forgot some of it, he was turned on by the teacher. For his father, decades later until the day of his death, the Lord's Prayer came complete with the meaning associated with him when the boy was hit or lost in the line. The brain considers the pain and the prayer together without ever letting it separate them from each other. Every time in her life when she said that prayer, she let go of the pain that had been absorbed in her memorization experience. Sad, but unusual in so many other ways.

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning are not relaxing for everyone depending on their experience. Women who hate men have reasons like men who don't want to go home or go back to church. Some people can no longer go to the airport and not see when they hear the jet moving over their heads. It's too painful, or scary or sad. Sitting in the ocean or taking a boat can be a man's dream and another man's nightmare depends on how their brain chemistry binds them based on past experience.

Sometimes we have to keep this in mind when trying to encourage people, if encouraging people is what they want to do. The basic rules should be advocated by a supporter who should encourage the underprivileged. You'll be surprised how many times it doesn't. Depending on your experience and how the brain has linked painful events to people's lives, what may encourage you is simply making others angry or depressed. I have known ministers who have told parents of children being murdered in various ways that it is time to settle it, or they need to come to church and they will feel better, when one is not possible and the other is not. Driving to church, for these people, means driving to the place where their child was killed. For ministers, the road is the way to go around and for parents, the road is one to avoid because it is too painful. It's just the way. It's just a train. But the mind creates unity.

Here are some ways to discourage people who are experiencing brain problems with a different situation than you or us.

For those who have lost a child ... don't say, "At least you'll see them in heaven." Parents don't want to see their children in heaven, they want to see them at the dinner table. Don't say ... "God will not give you more than you can bear," because they cannot bear what they are experiencing and it does not make sense to them. Don't say ... "Get over it, it's just a train, it's a river, it's just a church. It's just for you because you don't have the physical chemistry that their brains have given to link things to pain." emotionally. Hopefully you don't need to know how it works. Someone who just lost her daughter in a car accident said, "if I hear another church member tell me that I must be strong or this won't happen, I'll stop going."

For those with financial problems ... do not say, "If you give Allah the tithe, you will open the windows of heaven." Wrong! People who say this are usually comfortable and don't miss out on the funds they give. They don't have to choose tithing and rent, or food or school. And whether we like it or not, God doesn't follow "whatever you ask, I will give it to you." That's the formula for chaos anyway. Speak tithing to many grown ups because of that and see what I mean. Once burnt, twice smart. Once your mind says that God does not need your money and if he has a cow in a thousand hills, he can sell some if he needs some, you will feel better.

To those who are in crisis of faith ... do not say, "Trust in Jesus," "The human mind is in vain," "The human heart is deceitful over all things, and it will be," "Oh yes a little faith, "" You need to pray more, "" You need to fast more, "" You need to learn more, "You need to spend more time reading that really brings less and less sense in the real world to you, seems to cause more problems than it solves. Personally, religion should improve people, reduce war and kill and make people more honest and less materialistic. Alright. People who say things like this generally have no experience in their life that has made them try to give advice and encourage dislike in the way they think. It seems like going to a priest for marriage or child counseling. Why would anyone do that and expect a lot of understanding based on experience?

Humans have many different experiences and we do not all share the same. People who have seen war cannot be encouraged by those who do not. But it can be by those who understand how the mind works even when they are not at war. People who have not been burned by religion are generally not encouraged by those who have their heads in the clouds and God haunts them. People who do not lose their children generally cannot be inspired by the miraculous accounts of God's intervention in other people's lives when they are not. I once told a minister who went on a sermon about how a girl in her church survived death in a horrific accident to make sure. In the audience of 10,000 or so, there are a dozen parents sitting there feeling more wasted than they could have imagined and it hurts because it was not their experience. The inexperienced can be treated, and those who are undergoing torture. Just drop it! And often, a good member of the faith but an inexperienced member and minister can come by simply guiding his family away from the church. I've seen it many times.

Ah, another train is coming. That long whistle on a windy day refreshed my soul. For my sister this is not the case and if she were here now, I would turn on the music or bring her inside the house. Nice ... now I can hear the gentle whimper of the jet over his head. Someone in town, no doubt blocked it.

When allied voices, people and places come to haunt, they simply breathe. Breathing low in the stomach. Tell yourself, whether or not other people understand, "I'm ok, my emotions are reactions to my mind producing trauma-related chemicals that have caused my experience of memorizing my brain. Trying to understand me and that's good, breathing ... breathe out of your stomach, it will pass and life can continue to win a triumph over the experience that hurts our spirit, but impels us to grow ... is a very practical supporter and a born teacher ...


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