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Myasthenia Gravis and Other Autoimmune Diseases, a Technical Enquiry


This article should be considered as a continuation of 'Myasthenia Gravis - neuromuscular disease & # 39; written by Ron Campeanu. This article will introduce some new ideas for possible causes of myasthenia gravis (and other autoimmune diseases) and some ideas on what can help reduce symptoms or help the body recover.

Readers are now aware that although the name of the disease has been linked to them that they are unique in their escape from any disease, it is essentially a path of persistence using all the modalities available to them. There is rarely a quick fix for the disease because the pathophysiology of any disease may be due to many errors in the body's immune system over the long term and due to several factors.

Tolerance of the immune system to tissues - the role of preprocessing in the thymus and bone marrow. If a person becomes immune to their tissues, the body will be destroyed by acquired immunity. Immune mechanisms usually recognize human tissues that are different from invaders and that the immune system is small if antibodies or T cells are derived from their own antigens and is a phenomenon known as self-tolerance to their own tissues.

Most tolerance results from cloning selection during the pre-processing.

The belief is that most of the tolerance phenomena develop during pre-preparations of T lymphocytes in the thymus and B lymphocytes in the bone marrow. The reason is that the strong injection of antigen into the fetus during the preprocessing of lymphocytes in both areas will prevent the lymphocyte clone specific to the antigen in the lymphoid tissue.

It has been shown that immature T lymphocytes when exposed to strong antigens become lymphoblastic, multiply and combine with antigens. This effect causes lymphocytes to be destroyed by thymic epithelial cells before any release into the lymphatic tissue. If lymphoid tissue is affected, look to thymus as the most likely source of immune problems.

Usually, during the processing of lymphocytes in the thymus and bone marrow, if not all of the clones specific to the body's own tissue are destroyed during exposure and match the antigen. In a healthy body, this match goes smoothly and all reactive cells are destroyed before being released into the lymphoid tissue.

Failure of the tolerance mechanism causes autoimmune disease.

With age, there is a greater chance that people will develop immunity to their own tissues.


This autoimmunity usually occurs after the destruction of some body tissues that release the self-antigen into tissue that results in immune T cells or antibodies activated.

Autoimmune diseases

Rheumatic fever (joints, heart) - the body immunizes against the tissues in the joints and heart valves, after exposure to streptococcal toxin strains.

Glomerulonephritis (kidney) - at least one type in which immunization occurs on the glomeruli subcutaneous membrane

Myasthenia Gravis (muscle) - the immunity involved in the neuromuscular symptoms of acetylcholine receptor protein - results in paralysis.

Lupus Erythmatosis (systemic) - immunization to many tissues all at the same time results in severe and very frequent cellular damage, death.


Vaccination causes immunity to certain diseases. Here are some of the methods used for vaccination.

Dead organisms with chemical antigens are still fully injected to protect against diseases such as typhoid, cough, diphtheria and others. bacteria disease. Chemically treated toxins with their toxic properties are inactive but their antigens cause intact immunity. Used for vaccination against tetanus, botulism and the like toxic disease.

Reduces living organisms. Organisms that have been propagated or transmitted through a series of animals until their mutations no longer cause disease but still carry specific antigens. Used to protect against poliomyelitis, yellow fever, measles, smallpox and others virus disease.

Functions of the Immune System

The immune system is a network that interacts with cellular and soluble components. The function is to distinguish entities in the body as self and not self and to eliminate oneself. Non-major entities are microorganisms, but neoplasms, transplants and foreign substances (toxins) are also important. The immune system uses specific and non-specific immunities that are linked to and influence each other.

Non-specific immunity (Innate) is present at birth, does not require encounters with offending material and does not build memory. These include physical barriers such as skin and gastric acid.

There are two cellular components. The digestive and digestive phagocytic system attacks microorganisms and natural killer cells that kill a number of viruses, microorganisms and virally infected cells. Phagocytes include neutrophils and monocytes in the blood and macrophages in tissues. Macrophages spread widely between tissues and blood vessels and cavities. For example, alveolar macrophages in the lung, kupffer cells in the liver sinusoids, synovial cells in the joint cavity, perivascular microglial cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and mesangial phagocytes in the kidney.

The soluble components are complementary proteins, acute phase reactants and cytokines. Cytokines are nonimmunoglobulin polypeptides secreted by monocytes and lymphocytes in response to specific antigens, non-specific antigens or non-specific soluble stimuli such as endotoxins or other cytokines. Cytokines affect the magnitude of the inflammatory or immune response. Cytokines are not antigen specific and protect natural immunity and adaptation.

Special immunity can learn, adapt and maintain memory. The cellular component is lymphocyte and the soluble component is immunoglobulin.

As we have seen, lymphocytes are either thymus (T cells) or bone marrow (B cells). Lymphocytes are spread by clones and thymus responds to each lymphocyte clone with specific antigens through antigen receptors. The lymphocyte antigen receptor gene can incorporate what can be an unlimited number of combinations.

B cell antigen receptors were isolated by Surface Immunoglobulin. Like T-lymphocyte antigen-presenting cells, B cells bind to soluble antigens through their surface immunoglobulin. A series of events result in the secretion of immunoglobulins which are specific antibodies to the antigen. Alignment of the immunoglobulin gene generates antibodies during B cell maturation in bone marrow. To add to the potential range of immunoglobulos - antigen arrays are random nucleotides added, by somatic point mutations and segmental inaccuracies.

The T-cell receptor-dependent genes belong to the superfamily immunoglobulin gene and are subject to recombination resulting in a larger number of T-cell clones each with its own antigen response.

Another idea about treatment

Stem cell therapy.

Stem cell therapy can help with treatment. There is a relatively new idea to use autologous stem cell therapy. Here, inactive stem cells are harvested by liposuction of approximately 100ml of belly fat, cleansing, activating stem cells and resection, all done within four hours and patients returning home or returning to work. There are no side effects or rejection because stem cells originate in their own body. The cost of this treatment varies across the country but as a guide it will be twenty-thirty thousand dollars.

Enhances immune response using antioxidants

Like all unknown diseases 'silver bullet'. Therefore, it is recommended to use a holistic approach to improvement over time. Exercise is an essential part of any health improvement - it moves the toxic lymph, helps detoxify the body and stimulates the immune system when done moderately.

Excessive training can lead to health problems and it is not recommended - using a common sense approach - do not push beyond a reasonable level.

Use antioxidant formulas like Q10 as the basic protocol and then add supplements like mineral formulations (Cell Foods - available in most countries) and amino acids to help support the function and structure of the tissue. In particular, it is important to stimulate mitochondria. CoQ10Sport contains both coenzyme q10 and lipoic acid - these powerful mixtures support the immune system and help the mitochondria to reproduce and thus produce as much energy as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the most important ingredient in supporting cell health and function.


An expert practitioner advises the proper diet. A diet consisting of fresh and raw foods will outperform any other diet when it comes to improving health - it is advisable to get help. As disease is a result of random and random variations in the immune system, it is a powerful argument to support the functioning of the immune system.

It is recommended to use an appropriate practitioner to administer any protocol.


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