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Male Pattern Baldness (Alopecia) And Why Hair Loss Happens Mostly in Men?

The pattern of male baldness or androgenic alopecia is a condition affecting almost 17% of men over the age of 35 and 70% of loss at age 50. So what exactly is male pattern baldness? Male pattern baldness usually loses hair associated with human men and is sometimes seen in women, though rarely. Hair is reduced in a certain pattern, starting right above the temples. The hair also begins to thin and spread on the crown of the head. When level 6 or 7 male pattern baldness only rims remain around side & back of head. Sometimes these conditions can also be extensive and complete the balcony.

The main reason for men's hair loss is associated with a hormone called androgens, specifically DHT or dihydrotestosterone, a type of androgen. Androgen is responsible for normal male sexual development before birth & during puberty. These hormones also carry several other important functions in both sexes, such as sex drive regulation and hair growth. Male pattern baldness or normal hair loss in men is a result of the sensitivity of the hair follicles to DHT, which causes the follicles to shrink and thin at the base. Weakening the hair roots reduces the life of the hair follicles and leads to weakness and eventually hair loss. Although genetics play a very important role in androgenic alopecia, it is also seen that lifestyle can usually worsen or accelerate it. A good diet to produce local fruits and vegetables and regular exercise have shown to greatly reduce the onset or progression of male hair loss.

Nowadays there are many treatments available that bind to DHT and do not allow it to weaken the follicles. The main treatments available in the market are medicines such as finasteride or Propecia, minoxidil & Proxidil new second generation hair loss remedies. Testing is also done on dutasteride and ketoconazole but in 2010 the FDA has not yet approved both drugs for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.

Men all over the world continue to experience this embarrassing condition, as many are still unaware of the available treatment options or are not looking for the right treatment when the condition begins to show its effects. The improved treatment options and active dialogue with hairdressers and dermatologists can help the young man avoid catching or even reversing their hair loss.


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