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Lose Weight by Facing Your Emotions

Ask any obese person who can send them straight to the closet for a snack and some will say starvation directly. The reasons we eat way too much are more dangerous than that. For most Americans, negative emotions and emotions (about ourselves, our families and the world around us), are the main triggers that cause us to eat too much.

Learning how to deal with and better control your emotions is important when controlling your weight. Until you can learn to stop the eradication of bad feelings with food, the trimmer body will prevent you.

So how do you use your emotions to lose weight? Get started with:

  • Face what bothers you. If you're mad at someone; tell them! If you feel bad about yourself; consider what you can do to change. If you are disappointed with your work; find a new one. Stop letting people walk around you and stand up for themselves. Most people feel bad about themselves or their circumstances because they do not believe they should be treated as they would like to be treated. Instead of facing their enemies, they try and soothe their raw emotions by consuming their negative feelings. No matter how much you face what is bothering you and taking some action to change?

  • Learn what triggers send you to the fridge for more. If you always eat after talking to your mom on the phone, then you can do one of two things:

  1. stop calling your mom (which may just cause more problems)

  2. Learn some healthier ways to deal with your frustration and neglect when talking to your mom besides eating.

  • Finding alternative ways to feel better. Exercise can be a great way to release your feelings (especially the negative ones). In the future when you feel overwhelmed and want to reach for your favorite snack, try heading to the door for a walk instead. It's a great way to clear your mind; bring extra energy and feel better about your situation.

  • Relax Over. One way to avoid emotional eating is to find a way to relax. Here are some suggestions:

  1. find fun activities or hobbies for pampering yourself

  2. try something new (always dreaming of studying for pain? Take art class)

  3. get a massage

  4. swimming, golf or other sports

  5. have some fun with some friends. Don't live too seriously; learn how to loosen up a bit

Emotional food can be difficult to break; but it can be done. The key to success is learning what triggers eating and learning to address these issues in a more constructive and healthy way.


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