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How To Naturally Turn Down Your Metabolism

Metabolism describes the body's ability to break down food and turn it into energy. Our bodies never stop trying to metabolize even when we are sleeping, thinking and eating! If we do not have the ability to metabolize what we eat then we will not survive. It is meant to enable us to move, to create new cells, to protect our body from unwanted toxins, to heal itself after injury, to create new tissue and to keep our body temperature under control.

When you eat food, your metabolism moves to higher gear as the stomach starts digesting food. Once you're done eating, your body will release some enzymes that work to break down the food into nutrients that can be used for energy. These include fatty acids, sugars, proteins and amino acids. When they become available, they slowly pump the whole body through the blood. Cells store storage and use the store to allow us to do everything that happens throughout the day! Energy reserves are also stored in the body as fat and muscle so it can be called in time of need.

The amount of exercise you get and what you eat both have a powerful effect on your metabolism. If you decide to release food, in the long run, your body will balance it by lowering your metabolism. The result is that you end up storing fat because your body actually burns fewer calories. This is why diet programs, which ask you to eat a few snacks during the day, tend to work better. It is important that you try to increase your metabolic rate slowly. Regular exercise is also important because it helps you maintain a healthy balance of muscle and fat.

Your metabolism can be gradually improved by using natural remedies and homeopathy. They are very easy on your body and do not have any unwanted side effects as often with prescription drugs or diet pills. Gallium aperine, Guarana, Taraxacum officinalis, Erythrea centaurus and Glycorrhiza glabra are all herbs that help boost your energy while giving your metabolism a gentle boost. Fucus vesiculosis, Capsicum and Garcinia Cambogia can all be used to improve your metabolic rate if they are very slow. There are many medicines that have a special blend of these herbs to ensure maximum benefit to both your energy levels and your metabolism. Most of these are available, by post, over the internet or by speaking with a homeopath who lives near you.


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