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How Our Nutrition Effects Our State Of Mind

There is a strong connection between nutrition and our state of mind. Poor nutrition can cause stress and stress, fatigue, fear. Making changes in our eating habits and creating a balance between all of our nutritional ingredients can make a big difference in our stressful lives and improve our mood.

Types of foods that can cause tension and stress:

1. Types of foods that are high in sugar and processed - for example: high quality cakes, cakes, sugary drinks can cause high energy to break out for a very short time, and cause long term anxiety.

2. Types of foods high in salt - for example: hotdogs and snacks can cause high blood pressure.

3. Caffeine - you can find it in all kinds of cola, coffee, tea, and chocolate, causing high adrenaline rush and rising levels of tension, lowering the level of iron absorption in our system, affecting the intake of calcium and magnesium in our body that faction as a pressure refresher.

4. High levels of saturated fat - such as meat and high fat cheese. Digestion is longer which can lead to fatigue and fatigue.

5. Alcohol - stimulates adrenaline and raises levels of tension in the long run. It also affects the heart.

6. Preservatives and chemicals - such as glutamic acid, have high negative effects on our brain.

The kind of food that enhances our mood.

1. A type of food that contains tryptophan - an amino acid that subsequently turns brain into serotonin. Oats, cashews, wheat, sweet potatoes, spinach.

2. Types of foods high in potassium and B vitamins - such as beans, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, soy, broccoli, red and dried rice.

3. Whole grains - for example - wheat bread, pasta and red rice. Carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and help release the chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine, improving mood.

4. Fruits and vegetables such as pepper, broccoli and cabbage, rich in antioxidant vitamins, and thus reduce the level of free radicals in the body, Vmspalym tryptophan transitions to serotonin - a substance with a calming effect.

5. Magnesium-rich foods - such as almonds, nuts and vegetables, which boost the function of the adrenal glands and essential fatty acids in the body.

6. Zinc-rich foods - such as sesame seeds, nuts and nuts, the fatty acid donor metabolism is essential for the production of serotonin, which improves mood.

7. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids - northern sea fish: salmon, mackerel, halibut, cod, single, tuna and sardine.

8. Tea - you should drink infusions of lemon balm, chamomile, ginseng and passion fruit.


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