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Home Remedies For Thrush, Candidiasis and Yeast Infections

Whether you call it Candidiasis, Thrush or Candida Albicans, yeast infection is a yeast infection and can cause a lot of discomfort and irritation if you are in the middle of suffering through an outbreak. As a woman who repeatedly catches yeast infections I personally know the pain, shame and frustration that come with itching and itching in the vagina. Fortunately, I was able to find some home remedies for treats that relieved all the painful symptoms.

Why use a natural method or home to treat your yeast infections? True, there are many over the counter medications that can be effective in treating nausea but for some reason many of them never really seem to help my condition. Even after consulting a doctor and following their advice, I still felt that I could do something better to get rid of this problem safely and easily, so at home treatment.

Here are a few things I found out about how to harm your scalp with home remedies:

1 - First, at the beginning of an outbreak, I always make sure that I gently clean the affected area using nothing but empty water. I made sure to avoid soaps, baths and shower gels as they seemed to cause me more irritation.

2 - I have always avoided having sex to avoid passing the infection between my partner. Many people do not know this but men can catch yeast infections as well and it is usually confirmed to them through sex with infected women. If for some reason you can't avoid sex and plan to use protection, you should avoid using spermicides and lubricants as they actually make things worse.

3 - The clothes I wear and how I wear them also play a role in the development of my infection. For example, if I use synthetic fibers, it will cause further irritation when it sweeps over my infection. I also started wearing loose clothing which helped dramatically reduce the amount of yeast infections I had.

4 - For alternative treatment I succeeded with Melaleuca Oil which is available in alternative and herbal stores. Aloe Vera gel also works well to relieve itching and irritation when used in affected areas.

5 - Sugar-free yogurt helps fight inflammation but it should be a natural yogurt without sugar. Items containing a lot of sugar cause Candida Albicans to grow.

6 - Another discovery that I have made all my time as a recurrent yeast infection and thrush is that food is one of the major contributors to my symptoms. Dry fruits, dairy products, yeast products, mushrooms, monosodium glutamate and meat all serve as triggers for my infection. By following a restricted diet, I was able to determine the specific foods that triggered my thrush.

During my own outbreak and subsequent treatment I actually took it to write about drugs that worked in the guidelines I provided to relieve other women from experiencing the frustration I had with my own Candida and bacterial vaginosis. In fact, as a woman, you do not have to continue to experience the shame and pain associated with this painful situation.


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