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Supplements to Reduce Anxiety May Help Avoid Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiac Death

In two independent studies, researchers from Sweden and the Netherlands have found that anxiety increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 25% and cardiac death by up to 50%. Using high quality Polyclinic Supplements to reduce anxiety may increase your chances of preventing coronary heart disease and cardiac death altogether.

Studying nearly 300,000 people over an average of more than 25 years, researchers are shocked to learn that anxiety is an accurate predictor of coronary heart disease and cardiac death.

Dr. Joel E Dimsdale (University of California, San Diego) wrote an editorial that included findings for the June 29, 2010 edition Journal of the American College of Cardiology states:

"It is strange that symptoms of anxiety can be a powerful flare, illuminating the path to the future of coronary disease." Cardiologists, he said, are "definitely aware of the effects of anxiety" on temporary physiology, such as blood pressure, palpitations, and angina, but recent research suggests that asking questions about early life may be relevant in clinical assessment for the diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

To combat anxiety and stress related to illness, the Polyclinic Supplement offers some great stress and anxiety relief supplements to help you live longer and healthier lives.

The Poliquin 'Serenity 2.0 supplement, for example, is a proprietary ancient Ayruvedic herbal blend that calms the mind without making you drowsy. Serenity 2.0 is safe, natural and can be taken whenever you feel anxious or depressed.

Political Supplements also offer Holy Basil Supreme based supplements called Holy Basil Supreme. Supreme Basil Supreme helps normalize the stress hormone cortisol, balances the brain's neurotransmitters and detoxifies the body.

All Polyclinic Supplements are safe, third party tested, all natural, organic and manufactured under the strictest and highest quality control standards in the industry.

If stress plays a role in your life (as it does for most of us) - don't let it shorten your life, make you sick or cause cardiovascular complications later. Be careful with your body and consider adding quality Polyclinic Supplements to your diet and exercise program to ensure your health and longevity.

For more information, please use the link below to visit our website. For your good health!


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