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Protecting the Brain: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, MS, ALS, Autism, and Depression

In the case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, autism, Alzheimer's, lupus, and Lyme Disease, an inflammatory protein called cytokine crosses the brain. They do so through weakened areas of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In the brain, they cause "brain fog," sleep disorders, and an increase in pain, depression, and anxiety. Certain cereals can reduce tryptophan brain, which is required in serotonin production.

Low serotonin levels can lead to sleeplessness, depression, increased stress, increased appetite, increased perception of pain due to an increase in P, and IBS (Irritable Intestinal Syndrome). A reduction in serotonin and an increase in P substance may result in low production of Growth Hormone, a feature of Fibromyalgia.

These tryptophan deficiencies are especially harmful to those suffering from depression, anxiety, chronic Lyme, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia patients, who are already struggling with low serotonin levels.

It is important to strengthen the Brain Barrier (BBB) ​​against cytokine attacks. Cytokines will only cross the BBB in areas where it is weak. Low levels of B vitamins, lack of certain fatty acids, and viral infections, such as colds or flu can weaken the blood brain barrier. A study published in June 2002, in distinguishing scientific journals, reported new evidence that cellphone radiation can also reduce BBB against harmful substances. (Wireless phones pose a similar risk, but to a lesser extent.)

Diets and supplements can strengthen the brain's immune system (BBB) ​​against cytokine attacks. Because vitamin C can strengthen capillaries and blood capillaries consist of capillaries, it is reasonable to believe that vitamin C can provide BBB with additional protection. In addition, animal studies show that flavonoids, such as those found in blueberries, bilberries, and grapes, can protect the blood-brain barrier. These flavanoids can be purchased in additional form. They are also anti-inflammatory, so they protect the brain by reducing cytokine levels and boosting the BBB.


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