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Prostate Cancer in Men

Prostate cancer is considered one of the most popular types of cancer in men. Prostate cancer usually develops in a relatively humid manner and is initially restricted to the prostate gland. The location of this cancer cell does not cause any major damage. These cancer cells act differently; some develop gradually and may require minimal management and treatment, while other types are at war and spread rapidly.

Prostrate cancer arises in a man's prostate gland. The male prostate is generally a small gland that mimics the shape of a walnut and is located just below the bladder. Prostate synthesizes fluid (seminal fluid) that nourishes sperm and helps in its transport.

Most prostate cancers spread slowly, slowly and are contained primarily within the limits of the prostate gland, but they can metastasize to local lymph nodes, or even further to the bone. Some of these unusual types of cancer are more hostile and spread faster. Successful treatment of prostate cancer is due to early detection; that is, while the cancer is still confined to the prostate and there has not been metastasis to other organs.

Bowel cancer is declared number 3 as a public record of cancer death in men; Men under 40 are rarely diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Men who are considered to be at greater risk include:

  • Men of African-American origin

  • Old men 60 and older

  • Men with family cancer history

  • Exposure to carcinogens

  • Alcohol abuse

  • Animal foods are high in fat

  • Exposure to cadmium

There are many factors that may be associated with prostate cancer such as:

  • Age: This is considered a major risk element. The risk of developing this type of cancer increases with age.

  • Genetics: Research shows that African-American men are more likely to develop prostate cancer than others.

  • Diet: A study on exclusive men for a diet rich in red meat showed the possibility of increased prostrate cancer; while people on a diet high in vegetables including soybeans and green tea are known to have a lower chance of developing the disease.

  • Medicine:Various studies claim that there is a link between the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and prostate cancer. Statins, which are used to lower cholesterol levels, may reduce a person's risk of developing cancer.

  • Obesity: Most patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are obese. There is a lot of research that shows the link between obesity and cancer. The incidence of cancer cell metastasis is also higher in obese people.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Men with a history of gonorrhea have been found to have prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer treatment is determined by the level of cancer and how quickly it develops. Treatment options are usually radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Being diagnosed with cancer is not only physically challenging but also emotionally exhausting. The support system plays a major role in the management of prostate cancer.


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