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Menopause and Anxiety - How to Bring Natural Relief

Although menopause is a natural part of a woman's life, it often causes anxiety due to misunderstandings of physiological changes. Menopause and anxiety should be understood as the cause and effect of a decrease in estrogen levels in the female body. Therefore, proper treatment for menopause can effectively bring about emotional relief and eliminate depression and low prices in women.

Emotional changes in menopause

Menopause is characterized by a permanent cessation of women's natural menstrual cycles. The production of estrogen hormone decreases dramatically in women during menopause causing their ovaries to stop producing eggs. As estrogen levels drop, blood vessels expand rapidly leading to increased skin temperature. This can cause heat flashes that can be felt around the chest, shoulders, head, and neck. The sudden spread of warmth made the woman sweat and soak. Many women also experience heart attacks, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. All of these feelings create psychological symptoms that include mood swings, depression and anxiety.

Sex and Weight Factors

Anxiety during menopause can also be due to sexual misconceptions and weight gain. There is a myth that a woman loses her sexual desire during menopause, but in fact the middle years are a good time to increase the sexual experience as there are no restrictions on the use of birth control due to the possibility of pregnancy. In cases of vaginal dryness or painful intercourse, the woman may apply a lubricant or cream. After all, sex is about emotional feelings and is free of any hormonal changes.

Another factor that often causes anxiety during menopause is fear of weight loss. Biologically, estrogen levels can slow down metabolism, potentially leading to weight gain. Therefore, it is important for women in menopause to maintain a balanced diet. Diets should be very high in Calcium and Phytoestrogen, chemicals that mimic and increase estrogen-like hormones. Phytoestrogens are useful in maintaining bone density after menopause. These chemicals can be found in soybeans, tofu, hemp seeds, rice, oats, and red clover.

Other useful things

Some other things a woman can do to reduce anxiety and depression during menopause are:

Regular exercise: Regular exercise can significantly reduce heat flashes. Lighter exercises such as walking, climbing stairs, swimming or lifting weights help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Sleep properly: If a woman has difficulty sleeping during menopause, it would be a good option for a hot bath before going to bed or drinking a glass of warm milk. Taking sleeping pills is sometimes also recommended, with a doctor's prescription.

Social activity: post menopause, some women are looking for new hobbies like writing, gardening or pottery. Other people meet old friends once a week for social. Basically, focusing on other useful things can improve the post-menopausal quality of life.

Physiological changes in menopause are inevitable and normal. They may bring feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. However, an understanding of the treatment of menopause can increase awareness of the psychological effects of it.


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