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Debate On The Effectiveness Of Chemotherapy

The shock of being diagnosed with cancer is something we don't want to think about. More than 1 million Americans will be diagnosed this year with this deadly disease and more than half a million will die from it. It is the second leading cause of death and has a devastating effect on human life and society in general. The course of treatment that administers oncology is chemotherapy. The effectiveness of chemotherapy has been debated. Many studies have been carried out to assess the true effectiveness of treating cancer and destroying cancer cells.

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, their oncologist will prescribe chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be given in a variety of ways. The goal of chemotherapy is to control the spread of cancer cells and to destroy any existing tumor. It is often used in conjunction with surgery or radiation if oncologists feel the need. Most oncology offices have chemotherapy treatment rooms where patients are treated. It is usually attacked by intravenous method but can be given in pill form as well.

There is a schedule of treatment prescribed by the patient. It depends entirely on the cancer, the diagnosis and the health of the patient. Chemotherapy can be given daily, weekly or monthly depending on individual circumstances. There are some cancers that have been shown to respond better to chemotherapy than others. The two cancers include Hodgkin's Lymphomas and Lymphocytic Leukemia, which are childhood cancers. And at a lower level there are other cancers that also respond to chemotherapy treatments. Tumors can be reduced or completely dissolved. In the case of a large tumor this can make the patient more comfortable and less pain. Advanced advanced cancers are often more difficult to treat. No drug is guaranteed to use chemotherapy although many people have improved their lives and are cancer-free depending on their unique circumstances. Oncologists make personalized treatments to maximize the effectiveness of chemotherapy for their patients.

There are two separate issues to evaluate. Does chemotherapy cure cancer? The answer is no. The second issue is whether chemotherapy extends the life of cancer patients. The answer depends on many factors including diagnosis, age and stage of cancer.

Statistics: A well-known current study was conducted in 2004 that evaluated the true efficacy of chemotherapy on all types of cancer. This study was published in the Australian Journal, "Clinical Oncology". Some important details include the fact that all the researchers involved are oncologists themselves who are very familiar with chemotherapy. They reviewed the results of a 14-year clinical trial, from 1990 to 2004. Researchers looked at diarrhea for five years after undergoing chemotherapy. The average result is a 2.1% increase in life expectancy in five years. The total number of patients studied was 227,874. Of that group, 4,996 actually lasted another five years after receiving treatment. The highest five-year survival rate is for people diagnosed with lymphoma and testicular cancer.

Although the study remains controversial, it should be viewed critically. Perhaps studies like these can help medical organizations find new and more innovative ways to improve outcomes. Cancer is a complex disease and therefore there is no clear answer. However, as a society we try to find answers to what causes illness and how it can be prevented. Many highly qualified and caring physicians help people with cancer diagnosed daily. More research is being conducted on chemotherapy drugs that will not harm healthy cells. If this happens, it will change the outcome for the sick patient.

There are currently targeted therapeutic drugs that are prescribed to cancer patients depending on their specific needs. You should always have a healthy dialogue with your healthcare provider regardless of any health problems you may have. Most doctors and in this case, oncologists, are good and concerned about their patients' well-being. It is also their goal to heal the patient and use the most effective treatment. Unfortunately, many oncologists are unaware that the role of integrative medicine can be better done for their patients. More attention should be paid to prevent cancer. It is important for the medical community and the public to look at preventing illness from waiting until someone is facing a health crisis such as cancer.

Integrative Approach: There is also a growing trend towards combining traditional treatments such as chemotherapy with alternative treatments. For example, we now understand the importance of maintaining a strong immune system. When one is treated with chemotherapy one of the unfortunate results is the destruction of healthy cells. The immune system can be very weak and can be in many patients. Finding ways to strengthen your immunity can be very important and may save many lives. An integrative approach will focus on not only shrinking tumors but rebuilding immunity. There will also be emphasis on efforts to minimize damage to healthy cells. Many integrative dentists use this approach to help patients stay healthier and stronger while undergoing chemotherapy. The medical community is increasingly adopting an integrative approach and it is hoped that this type of treatment protocol will become a mainstream one.

Nutrition Approach: Research data show a strong correlation between high diets in fruits, vegetables and grains as well as lower incidence of cancer. A nutritious diet can only improve an individual's health. These foods contain phytochemicals that may have the ability to destroy carcinogenic substances in the body that can cause cancer. Nutritionists recommend consuming simple animal protein, limiting your sugar intake and eating only healthy fats like olive oil. The immune system will become stronger and more resilient to develop the disease. What we eat and how we treat ourselves physically and mentally can have a significant impact on our health.

Chemoprevention: There is a novel approach known as "chemoprevention". This concept is similar to efforts made in the field of cardiology to prevent heart disease from occurring in the first place. Doctors evaluate patients at risk for developing heart disease based on a variety of factors and then prescribe treatment courses that will reduce the risk of developing them. Alternative practitioners have been using this preventive therapy approach for decades. In the same vein, chemoprevention looks at factors that may affect cancer progression. They evaluate high-risk individuals by a variety of factors such as family history and genetic testing methods. The goal is to prevent further damage to the cells in an effort to prevent cancer from growing in the first place. Obviously the nutrition approach is part of the protocol with chemoprevention. More than 400 chemoprevention compounds have been studied and numerous clinical studies have been conducted. This is an incredible example of thinking outside the box in the medical community. Hopefully preventive measures such as "chemoprevention" are on the rise. It is a strategy that can have a profound impact on the future of disease control and management.

Lifestyle Factors in Prevention: There are many other positive things you can do to help reduce your cancer risk.

Smoking: Smoking is something you should never do. Smoking has a carcinogenic effect on the body and is extremely unhealthy.

Medical History: Know your personal family history and talk to your doctor. Together you can make plans to maximize your health and reduce your health risks.

Alcohol Use: Take alcohol in moderation. Excessive drinking has been shown to increase cancer risk factors.

Exercise: Exercise does not have to be a big obstacle to fit your lifestyle. In fact, studies show that moderate, low-impact effects like walking, swimming or biking for 30 minutes, 5 times a week can reduce the risk of cancer. Remember every time you start a diet or lifestyle change, always consult a medical professional, especially if you are taking prescription drugs or have any illness or illness.


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