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5 Ways To Help You Stop Drinking Soda

The juicy fizz, the sweetness, and the low caffeine alloy caffeine make it hard to hold it in. You know it's not good for you, but it's hard to stop something so good. Well, stop drinking it, it's easy and easy. Soda damages your health and prevents you from losing weight as you know it.

Soda drinkers use an incredible amount of calories every time they tap on a can. These calories are not good either especially from the added sugars. Also, you don't get any good quality vitamins, minerals, or carbohydrates from soda. You really fill your body with chemicals that can cause tooth decay, diabetes, and poor bone health. And don't think that you can go on a diet soda, even if they don't have calories. Studies have actually shown that dietary soda drinkers are more likely to be obese or overweight. The chemicals in diet diets are associated with heart disease and depression, as well as all the other health risks of regular soda.

So how do you stop drinking soda? When you are conditioned to eat, drink, or do something every day of your life, it is difficult to break the habit. If you use some of the tips below, you need to work well to get the soda out of your life.

Count Your Calories:
Calculating calories can be a great way to keep your waist in check. If you take back soda cans as they cure cancer, you may be surprised at how many calories you actually consume from soda. The best way to do this is to download a calorie counter application, unless you feel like writing it every time you drink soda. And don't change soda when you go out to eat. This free refill will increase calories quickly.

Switch to Non-Tea Tea:
Many people drink soda for caffeine. If you don't drink coffee, sugar-free green tea or black tea can be a great source of caffeine. If you are not a tea purist and need a little extra flavor, try mixing some fresh lemon juice and a little stevia with your tea to sweeten it. Don't forget to stay away from artificial sweeteners!

Drink Glass Water Instead:
When you feel the urge to drink soda, drink a bottle of water. Boredom or stress can sometimes cause people to take whatever looks normal, but these are often unhealthy choices. Pour yourself a glass of water instead of opening an open soda. It is possible that soda drinkers do not drink enough water, so drinking water will reduce your desire to drink soda and keep you hydrated enough. Taste your water with fresh lemon juice or other fruits for added taste and health benefits.

Try Drinking Seltzer Water:
Soda drinkers are often addicted to carbs. If it's the carbonation you're looking for, try drinking seltzer water. You can get bubble appetite without negative soda. Make sure you avoid flavored seltzer waters as they have artificial sweeteners, which do not suit your health. You can also make your own seltzer water if you have Stream Soda.

Break the Habit:
Getting off the desk at 1pm and heading to the vending machine for soda may be something you're looking for or condoning on a daily basis at work. Without knowing it, you reward yourself as part of your daily routine. You probably don't need soda, but it's a break from the work you're used to. Instead of getting the soda, try a packed lunch, walk out of the building for some fresh air, or do some table work. Here are some options that will give you a break from work and help you stop drinking soda.


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