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What is the normal rate of eating food?

 What is the normal rate of eating food?

Hanan Mahfouz  sent saying, I am 20 years old and I do not suffer from obesity, but I would like to know the normal rate of all types of food so that I can deal with food healthily and make the most of it without having any health problems, how is that possible?

Dr. Osama Hafni, consultant of physiotherapy and obesity treatment, answers, saying, the food section into groups of each group includes foods with similar nutritional ingredients, and each food group represents an important part of the nutritional value that the body needs on a daily basis, to prepare menus or systems Nutritional, keep in mind that a specific amount of each food group should be eaten every day.

The range of fruits and vegetables is a major source of vitamin C and vitamin A, citrus fruits, cantalope and fresh strawberries, from foods rich in vitamin C and vegetables such as broccoli, green peppers and all kinds of vegetables with dark green and dark yellow, from Foods that contain a quantity of vitamin A.

In addition, the dairy range includes milk, yogurt and various cheeses, as everyone must eat a daily amount of milk as well as various forms of dairy products.

It is important that each age has different food needs and adapts to the needs of each human being, for example, adolescents, overweight people and hard-working adult handicrafts need additional amounts of different food groups, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women. Children, as well as those who want to gain weight, all of them must design their dietary programs so that they eat an extra portion of some food groups.
On the other hand, children as well as those who want to lose weight, they need less than adults.

Dr. Osama points out that:
- Individual dairy and products need a minimum to be eaten daily, for children 3 cups of milk, teenagers 4 cups and adults two cups.

- Vegetables have the minimum to be eaten is half a cup and some should be eaten cooked and some fresh more than once a day.

- Citrus fruits and white vegetables the minimum to eat is half a cup of juice or fresh or canned fruits.

- Meat, pulses, fish, poultry and eggs are the minimum to be eaten every day of meat 70 g, 2 eggs or a cup of cooked legumes.

- Bread and cereals are the minimum to be eaten every day two slices of brown toast, half a loaf of country or 60 g of corn flakes or a cup of rice or pasta.

- Oils, fats and sugar are mixed with food to gain the right taste and texture and are not necessary very little, and despite their importance we did not mention specific quantities to be eaten, because most people eat enough of them and sometimes an excessive amount, but it must be noted the importance of the diversity of the source of fat or Oils should include vegetable oils and especially olive oil as saturated fats and processed fats should be reduced.

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