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What foods help regulate weight?

 What foods help regulate weight?

I've heard a lot that peppers and pasta help regulate weight.

This question is answered by Dr. Hani Kamal, consultant of obesity and nutrition, saying: "Black pepper moves the stomach and intestines and pushes the secretion of digestive hormones, as it helps to stimulate the movement of blood to relieve the effects of stress, activating the exit of saliva and digestive infectious juices, which helps to digest various elements of food ".

Pasta is easy to digest and absorb slowly, which helps to feel full for as long as possible, so in order to help the pasta significantly to slimming should be eaten in small amounts boiled in addition to tomato sauce and stay away from fatty substances that contain fats, but weight regulation also requires Eating between meals apples or pears, both do not contain more than 50 thermal cells, they are rich in soluble fiber, which helps to lower the level of cholesterol, as the apples specifically contain hydroxy citric acid, which prevents or reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

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