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Is there a relationship between fat intake and health?

 Is there a relationship between fat intake and health?

 Amin Al-Gharbawi asks: Is there a relationship between the intake of fat and health?
Dr. Ashraf Abdul Aziz, Professor of Nutrition at Helwan University, responds: When you eat a small amount of fat (less than 20% of the total energy) and when the amount of carbohydrates taken (greater than 65% of energy) increases the risk of inadequacy taken from vitamin E, linoleic acid, and acid Linolenic, this will lead to adverse changes in hdl high-density lipoproteins cholesterol and also tri-glycery.

Scientific research has determined the minimum amount of fat (20% of total calories) because the concentration of triglycerides in the serum increases and the concentration of high-density lipoproteins cholesterol decreases when the take of fat is decreased and taken from carbohydrates increases, and over the course of Time increases the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition to these risks, the recommended amounts of a number of nutrients cannot be obtained when a person receives less than 20% of the total total calories taken.

Increased fat taken (greater than 35% of total energy) increases the risk of obesity (obesity) and also heart disease, due to the fact that an increase in fat taken over 35% of total energy is associated with increased calories as well as saturated fatty acids.

The upper limit of fat taken is related to the amount of saturated fatty acids found in food that provides more than 35% of calories of fat. Practical tests and efforts in this regard indicated that the human heart is affected when eating more than 35% of the total calories in the form of fat, because this percentage will lead to an unacceptable increase in saturated fatty acids. Because saturated fatty acids are present in all fats, high fat intake is associated with an increase in these acids.

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