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Does eating without spices help with diet success?

 Does eating without spices help with diet success?

 Hanan Abdel Rahman says: Some friends advised me to limit protein intake, as well as eating without spices until the diet succeeds to lose weight, is that true?

Dr. Osama Hafni, consultant of physiotherapy and obesity treatment, answers this question: Eating protein in every meal is important, as protein gives a sense of satiety more than carbohydrates or fats, and therefore may be the secret weapon in weight control, getting enough of Protein helps maintain muscle mass and burn fat and maintains a feeling of satiety for longer.

And foods that contain protein include: yogurt, yogurt, cheese, cereals and pulses such as lentils, beans, beans and beans, not only meat, chicken and fish, Dr. Osama adds: Many people think that the right food for diet is food without salt and no spices, and this is wrong, and vice versa It is absolutely true that the food spiced well provokes a feeling of fullness, as it satisfies the desire to eat, we do not judge the person who practices diet to eat food without color, taste or smell, but encourage it to diversify the colors of food using different types of colored vegetables, and also the use of spices The use of various cooking methods that do not require the addition of fat such as barbecue for meat and poultry for vegetables.

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