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How much of the carbs should be eaten?

 How much of the carbs should be eaten?

 A reader asks about the right value of carbohydrates that a person needs to eat without gaining weight?

Dr. Osama Hafni, consultant of physiotherapy and obesity treatment, answers, saying, food for our bodies is like gasoline for the car, as the car can not be driven without fuel, our bodies can not live without food, and more, food not only provides us with the energy we need, but is considered food It is the source of the essential elements for the maintenance of the body and the supply of spare parts for its construction and repair of the damaged.

He added that in order to perform these vital functions, the body needs food that contains essential elements and specific proportions, and the basic elements of food are protein, carbohydrates and fats.

For carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates and sugars, they are the main source of energy, and there are complex carbohydrates that include pulses, cereals and starchy vegetables, such as peas, potatoes and corn. Simple carbohydrates are also found mainly in fruits and milk, as well as in foods made from sugar, such as sweets.

For healthy food, 45 to 65 percent of daily calories are recommended for carbohydrates. Assuming that a person needs 2,000 calories a day, he needs about 225 to 325 grams per day and should be taken care of as these carbohydrates, from whole grains, pulses, fruits and low-fat milk. And reduce the foods to which sugar is added, such as sweets.

Protein is also essential for human life, it is included in the composition of the skin, bones, muscles, tissues and all organs of the body, and it is very important for the formation of blood, hormones, and enzymes as well. Protein sources include both animal and plant products. Such as poultry, fish, meat, dairy products, pulses, nuts and seeds.

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