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The Relationship Between Copper Toxicity and Hypothyroidism

Many people with hypothyroidism have copper toxicity problems, and in this article I will discuss some common causes of copper poisoning, and what you can do to correct the problem. In addition to hypothyroid conditions, copper toxicity can also lead to other health problems. Other symptoms of people with copper toxicity may have increased PMS symptoms, migraines, allergies, and depression.

Here are five major causes of copper poisoning:

Cause # 1: Adrenal Gland Problems. This not only causes copper toxicity, but is also a major cause of hypothyroidism. The adrenal glands usually produce copper binding proteins. However, when the adrenal gland is compromised, the ability to produce this protein is compromised. Because of this, copper cannot bind, and as a result, copper accumulates in the tissue, potentially causing copper toxicity.

But how can adrenal weakness lead to hypothyroidism? Well, when the adrenal gland is compromised, this puts the body in a state of catabolism. This means the body is broken, and to prevent this from happening, the body will try to balance it. And the way it works is to slow down the metabolism, which as you probably know, is a function of the thyroid gland. Thus, when the thyroid gland slows down, it causes hypothyroid conditions to develop.

So please understand how having a strong adrenal gland is important for proper thyroid function, and how it can prevent copper toxicity from developing.

Cause # 2: Drinking Water. Many water supplies have high amounts of copper. This is due to the addition of copper sulfate. As a result, many try to avoid drinking tap water because of lead, chlorine, and other toxins, many unaware that regular tap water can also cause or contribute to the development of copper toxicity problems. In addition, many homes also use copper pipes. This will certainly make the copper level in the water higher. Therefore, if you do not drink the purified water regularly, may you begin to realize why it is important to start.

Cause # 3: Oral Contraceptives. Millions of women take contraceptive pills, which contain no copper. However, taking "pills" has been shown to increase the level of copper in the body. Therefore, if you are taking contraceptive pills then it may be a good idea to take the appropriate test to determine if you have copper toxicity problems.

Cause # 4: Zinc Deficiency. Many people have zinc deficiency, which can lead to excessive levels of copper, leading to copper toxicity problems. Therefore, you should also know if you are deficient in zinc, and if so, address this deficiency.

Cause # 5: Copper IUD. What is a contraceptive? You first learn that taking contraceptive pills can improve your copper levels, and I'll tell you that having copper IUD in place can cause copper toxicity too. Most doctors are unaware of this, which is why many of them recommend this form of contraception to women.

How to Detect Copper Imbalance

Determining whether a person has copper imbalance can be done through hair mineral analysis. This is a test that involves taking small hair samples, and then sending them to the laboratory to determine the different levels of minerals. I personally use Labs Research Analytic Company, as much as I enjoy them, and unlike some other hair analysis labs, they do not wash their hair first. This is important, as washing the hair after it is cut can wash away water-soluble elements, which will obviously affect the results.

Although the tests list the levels of copper, along with other minerals, it is important to understand that having low levels of copper in the hair does not always mean that you have low levels of copper in the body. To determine this, you need to look at some other minerals, especially zinc. As a result, one can have low copper levels in hair mineral analysis but still have copper toxicity issues. This is why it is advisable to consult a competent holistic doctor who has experienced reading this type of test. Hair mineral analysis can be very accurate if done by the right laboratory, but it also needs to be interpreted correctly as well. And while the test itself is easy to do, analyzing it yourself can be a challenge.

How to Balance Minerals

If you find that you have a copper toxicity problem, or any other mineral imbalance, then the obvious goal is to correct the problem. One thing you should do is avoid some of the factors I mentioned above that can cause copper toxicity issues. Therefore, you need to make sure your adrenal glands are strong, avoid drinking tap water, be careful about taking contraceptive pills or having copper IUD inserted and address any zinc deficiencies.

But of course many of these issues can be addressed and prevented through proper nutrition. Eating a diet that is made up of whole foods, and taking certain nutritional supplements will help provide you with the vitamins and minerals you need, which will help prevent and correct copper toxicity problems.

In short, there is a link between copper toxicity and hypothyroidism, as weak adrenal glands can cause both conditions. Therefore, strong adrenal glands are essential for optimal thyroid health, and can prevent copper toxicity from developing. However, as I mentioned in this article, factors other than the weak adrenal glands may also play a role in copper toxicity, and the same is true of hypothyroidism. In the same situation, consulting with a competent natural endocrine doctor can help find the cause of this condition, and then a natural treatment protocol can be recommended to help restore your health back to normal.


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