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Osteoarthritis And Rheumatoid Arthritis: Their Deadly Relationship With Intestinal Flora

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have a deadly relationship with intestinal flora - often referred to as friendly bacteria. This is the large intestine area near the splenic bending. Among other activities, the intestinal flora is primarily responsible for maintaining a proper pH level for the colon, to produce certain nutrients and to help keep excess acids to a minimum in the body. Since healthy bowel flora function may be of good health, we rarely hear or read about the importance of healthy intestinal flora in keeping the development and development of rheumatic diseases, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, to a minimum.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, an excellent British surgeon, by the name of Sir Arbuthnot Lane, proved that a healthy colon and a sufficient supply of sodium and potassium were available for friendly bacteria. He further determined that acidophilus is really important to function properly in the intestinal flora. After operating on more than 2,000 corpses and hundreds of surviving patients, Lane can see this relationship clearly. He noted that where mineral salts such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and silicon are depleted, and where acidophilus is not adequately supplied with diet, the intestinal flora is inactive and often contributes to low-level infections. This condition often leads to a highly acidic condition in which the body's sodium reserves are depleted of the stomach, lymph and joints. This often sets the stage for the development of complex arthritis symptoms, in one form or another.

Despite the strong medical culture of his day, Lane's work was studied and championed by John Kellogg, Are Waerland and, in later years, by Drs. John Tilden and Bernard Jensen. Kellogg, Tilden and Jensen have proven Lane's claim to years of sanitarium work with patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. What I learned while studying with Jensen in Escondido, California, was that Lane, Kellogg, Tilden and Jensen were right in their statements. When sodium and organic potassium salts and acids are low in the diet, and when the body is burdened with toxic waste, severe chemical imbalance occurs in the intestinal flora. Acid residues cannot be properly neutralized in the colon and then throughout the body.

The body's cells require a large supply of sodium phosphate to help release cellular metabolic waste - in particular carbon dioxide. Without cellulose residues these simple residues can accumulate to the point where the cells are starved of nutrients, toxic, inactive and prone to pathological conditions. As this continues, the body declines and decreases where it can develop degenerative health problems such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Understanding how important the balance of sodium to potassium is throughout the body and the need for acidophilus in the diet can help the body overcome and often reverse suffering such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. If you are given coffee - although not alcoholic - eating chocolate, drinking soda, excessive protein consumption, drinking pasteurized milk, eating refined sugar products or denatured wheat products, you will reduce vitamin and mineral reserves and have a difficult time adding and maintain a healthy gut flora.

When you combine proper diet with a healthy intestinal flora, you can successfully cure and often reverse osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, acid reflux and arthritis. These are all major symptoms of the same basic illness - systemic toxemia, which is usually caused by a tired, malnourished and alert body that is unable to meet the demands of one's lifestyle and eating habits.


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