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An Overview of IBS Treatments

Although no antidote has been found for IBS, there are several options for treating symptoms. And your symptoms help determine the type of treatment you need.

By using a treatment for irritable stomachs, most people can feel comfortable that their condition is an unhealthy bowel syndrome and not something as serious as colitis. Just knowing about this can help you be less concerned about the situation and even alleviate the symptoms. Most symptoms are often treated without treatment. In some cases, the symptoms are mild and do not require any treatment.

If your symptoms are frequent and troublesome, then you should consider the treatment options discussed in detail below.


Medicines play an important role in relieving IBS symptoms. Alosetron hydrochloride (Lotronex) may be a drug that can be used to treat pain. It has been re-approved with certain restrictions imposed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

For pain type spasm

Antispasmodic medications are usually recommended if you suffer from spasmodic pain. Antispasmodic medicine helps to relax the muscles in the intestinal wall. There are various types of antispasmodic oils such as peppermint oil, hyoscine and mebeverine. You can take one of these when the symptoms are painful. Most people tend to take antispasmodic medications for a week or more to control the onset of pain. Some people also take doses before taking food if the disease tends to develop after eating.

For diarrhea

Anti-diarrhea medications can be useful if diarrhea is a major symptom. Loperamide is one of the most commonly used anti-diarrhea drugs for IBS. You can buy this medicine at a pharmacy.

For constipation

Your doctor may recommend laxatives or fiber supplements for constipation. Constipation is also considered a major symptom of intestinal syndrome. There are laxatives usually advised for certain periods of time. However, laziness is only advised when increasing fiber intake is not found enough to reduce constipation related to constipation.

For depression

Antidepressants are commonly used to treat IBS. Antidepressants tend to work better if diarrhea and pain are the main symptoms. Anti-depressants are recommended if you have persistent symptoms.


A healthy diet is important to all of us. However, some people with IBS also find some common diet foods to trigger symptoms. Here are some things to keep in mind that can help reduce the effects:

1. Avoid alcohol.
2. Limit the consumption of curly drinks.
3. Limit coffee and tea to 3 cups daily.
4. Limit fresh fruits to 3 parts or 80 g a day.
5. If you have diarrhea, avoid artificial sweeteners as found in sweets, drinks, slimming, diabetes and sugar-free sugars and sorbitol.
6. Drink 8 cups or cups of water daily, especially drinks without caffeine and herbal tea. This keeps the stool or stool easy and soft to cross the intestines.
7. Take food daily and take some time to eat fast.
8. Don't miss out on regular meals.
9. Avoid leaving a long gap between meals.
10. Limit intake of high fiber foods.
11. If you suffer from bloating and wind, consider increasing your intake of wheat, seeds, porridge or oatmeal breakfast.


These nutritional supplements are known to be good bacteria. Taking probiotics can increase the good bacteria in the stomach which can help eradicate the bad bacteria that have an effect on the symptoms of IBS. You can buy this capsule from the medical store. Or you can also buy foods containing probiotic bacteria such as cheese, yogurt, milk drinks, ice cream, and frozen yogurt.


Fiber is used to treat bowel syndrome. There are 2 types of non-soluble fiber and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps alleviate the symptoms more than insoluble fiber in some cases. Soluble fiber is found in nuts, seeds, spices, oats, pectin, vegetables and fruits. Insoluble fiber is usually found in wheat, corn, vegetables and fruits.


Regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms. Stress and other emotional factors can cause symptoms. Exercise can help prevent and reduce symptoms.

Psychological treatment

Situations such as work stress, family problems, repeated exams and thoughts from past abuse can trigger IBS symptoms in people. People with anxiety disorders may find symptoms difficult to control. For them there are various relaxation techniques such as hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and a number of other similar therapies that are helpful in controlling IBS symptoms. Psychological treatment is usually considered in people with moderate to severe IBS.

Other treatments

There are various complementary and alternative therapies used. For example, studies show that some Chinese herbal medicine can help alleviate symptoms. However, more research is needed to clarify their usefulness and safety.


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