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What Prompts Heartburn In Women

Heartburn is largely a redemption we pay to transcend. Eating too much, enjoying greasy, acidic and spicy foods, with coffee, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and carbonated drinks often causes heartburn. We pay for it with pain in the back of the chest, burns in the stomach and throat, inability to sleep well and lack the energy to work and enjoy life.

Unfortunately for women they have more heartburn symptoms than men but men's heartburn is worse. The fact that you are a woman will not save you heartache if you do not watch what you eat. Overweight people, men and women, are more prone to heartburn and acid digestion than those who have smaller waists. It seems you can't discuss heartburn without mentioning weight loss.

During pregnancy, frequent hip pain is one of the most common complaints. With all the physical and emotional changes a woman goes through during pregnancy, having an ulcer doesn't help. Women can suffer from heartburn during pregnancy even though they carefully watch their diet. When you think that a person is growing in the body, pushing the stomach into the esophagus that causes stomach acid to overflow into the esophagus, it's no wonder why heartburn happens so often. The problem won't disappear until the baby is born.

Eating smaller meals throughout the day, avoiding foods with lots of fat or spices in them, not eating chocolate or drinking coffee is the best solution to minimize the chance of heartburn during pregnancy. Do not drink or smoke and avoid smoking. If you smoke, this is more than a reason to quit ... this is a child's life.

Because heartburn is the stomach content that flows into the esophagus, it is important for pregnant women not to eat too much. In fact, drinking too much water can cause heartburn. Since hydration is very important during pregnancy, drink a small amount of water during the day.

Exercise can also cause heartburn, so it's important to wait a few hours after eating, whether you're a man or a woman.

Heartburn in women is also common for clothing. Tight clothing will push on the stomach and chest causing acid from the stomach to flow into the esophagus and cause pain and discomfort.

Chocolate feels good in the mouth but not good for women with frequent heartburn. Women are more likely to go for chocolate during times of stress or emotional distress. Chocolate contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine and some phenethylamine, which causes serotonin production in our body. Serotonin has been linked to mood swings that men and women suffer from eating chocolate.

Stress is another important trigger in heart attacks. Men's and women's stress levels need to be very manageable, but for stressful women they can almost be incredible as they feel pressure from many different sources - work, home runs, financial stress, the list goes on and on. Heartburn is one of the side effects that can affect the body. While it's almost impossible to get rid of stress completely, finding something else to focus on will help. Learning techniques that help you cope with stress, take your problems to the gym or just start a new hobby are a surefire way to keep your mind off your stress.


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