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4 Practical Ways You Can Do To Grow Hair Long Fast

My hair is slow - what does that mean? In short, this can only mean that my scalp is unwell or in the best possible condition. This leads to my hair being unhealthy and not in a good condition so that my hair grows at optimum speed or naturally fast.

It could also mean my hair can fall faster than it can 'add'. or grow. Or it means my hair is weak and unhealthy, fragile, fragile or fragile. It also says internal health, lifestyle, diet, scalp, hair care, emotional or physical condition, or all these factors, requires attention, care and 'fine tuning'.

One fact is that when the scalp and eventually the hair is healthy, about 90% of the hair grows at any given time at a healthy pace and optimally naturally - while another 10% is resting. After my hair rested for several months, my healthy hair naturally dropped to give way to my new hair. When my new hair grows, healthy, they naturally grow about half an inch each month.

But when I have a factor of 'blocking or slowing down the hair growth' that goes in, the whole process is interrupted and I will immediately see the effect or effect as I look in my mirror and, or look at, more than 50 hairs falling daily from my head!

So what is the way to deal with the 'disturbing and disturbing' factor? this?

Cheap ways, expensive ways, luxury ways, scientific ways, natural ways, chemically imported ways, how to combine these ways, using ayurvedic treatments, learning how to rest and relax, eat properly, if you be able to print more money, just do hair transplant, natural hair extensions or wear natural hair wigs!

Let's see how it can be done for ordinary people, like a busy working mom with two kids like me.

1) Diet

Eat foods rich in protein (this makes keratin the hair is made of), vitamin B (reduce hair loss), antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and A (detoxify and clean our systems, build new hair cells and strengthen hair), zinc rich foods and zinc.

Iron gets oxygen to the cells and hair follicles are also very important for scalp and healthy hair. Two things zinc can do - to grow our body and improve our tissue like hair.

For all these benefits, I can get it either from supplements (as my doctor suggests) or eat things like eggs, lean meats, fish, nuts, nuts, soybeans, bananas, seafood, spinach, peas, broccoli. (leafy green vegetables) and grains, oranges, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, enriched foods, and more.

If you can, try these foods fresh and not processed or processed. It is better to cook a healthy way like steaming and grilling instead of frying or frying. Do it consistently (eat it in your diet every day) and your body will get a diet of 'building blocks'. to grow hair quickly.

And another tip, drink lots of water. As they say, 8 cups will be great and if you can have the first 2-3 cups in the morning after you wake up, this can do wonders for your health - water spills all the bacteria and toxins out of your system.

2) Lifestyle

In short, this means keeping your mental and physical health as high as possible - because mental health or emotional well-being is also important, staying positive.

I just talked about eating well as one way to grow your hair fast. So what do we do now with our daily lives? For a healthy start, if you smoke, stop it - or at least work to quit smoking and do 'self-destruction'. Here. It basically 'burns the money' without any benefit at all.

Then for heavy drinkers or regular partygoers, go easy on alcohol. Brush or two wines or 'healthy'. brandy gets our blood flowing and brings blood to my cheeks (my cheeks 'red hair' when I drink) but it's not as gulping down glass after glass as every night at parties, social gatherings or at home. Excess alcohol burns your heart - especially on an empty stomach.

Then stay healthy by doing regular exercises like running, running, jogging, yoga, swimming, dancing, biking, biking, climbing, skating, tennis, soccer, and more. I love being outdoors!

Always get enough sleep - because of all 'magic'. what happens to our bodies (healing, growth, building, repair, etc.) really happens when we sleep well. As they say, sleeping 8 hours a day will really charge us around.

When it comes to hair, it is reported that when we are tired and stressed, our body systems work harder to keep us awake. and continue to empower us to sustain us.

Therefore, additional nutrients are needed to maintain us, rather than being used by our body systems to build healthy hair.

But for those who are just 'hyper' and full of life and positive energy, do I feel a little sleepy?

3) Pressure

Make sure the work pressure from your bedroom says one of my girlfriends - advice she got from her co-workers. She took this advice she said was great for her and her husband.

Believe it or not, stress is reported to be the leading cause of hair loss - serious stress can cause our body system to stop producing hair growth and hair action. If we allow our pressure to rise, we will lose hair. And then it takes time and effort to boost our hair and hair growth again.

So this is why I make it a point to relax everyday - despite the hard work and quality of 15-30 minutes of working wonders. Try not to let your stress level deteriorate so that you can't wake up or experience serious depression. Find a way to relax.

But if your hair growth is exposed or disturbed or you have hair loss due to medical conditions such as taking certain medications or supplements, through treatments such as chemotherapy, it is best to seek professional advice from your doctor (may the prescription need to be changed?) Or a hair specialist.

For those who have undergone chemotherapy, wearing a good wig or wearing a trendy scarf and scarf can be a good idea - while waiting for your hair to grow back.

4) Hair Care

Your fragile scalp and hair require consistent, gentle care - every day. There are people who may take this but I say again, please be careful of your glory. What you do or don't do for yourself, or yourself, can affect your hair growth process.

For perm, chemical treatment, hair dyeing, straightening, using too much hair and hair-friendly hairstyles, blow drying, about pulling your hair out, without getting your hair wet, combing or brushing your hair too much, using harmful hair brushes or feathers, tying your hair tightly (especially with rubber bands) can all be detrimental to your hair.

Also remember that hair grows well and well when your scalp is in the healthiest condition. Healthy and 'good skin care' meaning hair grows at its healthiest and fastest speed. Therefore, take care of your scalp on a daily basis, so that blood and nutrients are distributed to your scalp, then to your hair follicles.

Lastly, it is advisable to consult with your doctor or hair specialist before starting any medication or treatment.


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