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Avocado for Vaginal Yeast Infection

No food is the complete answer to yeast infections, but avocado is an effective food source to bring back the right bowel context to stop severe vaginal infections. Does this mean that a diet plan that includes avocado will help patients get better and faster? Maybe. 75% of women in most developed countries will experience vaginal infections at least once in their lifetime, while around 7% will have chronic vaginal cancer, also known as vaginal yeast infection. It's a common problem with women. Vaginal candidiasis has many symptoms ranging from abrasions that often look like cottage cheese because it is thick and white, and symptoms often are redness and itching in the vagina area which can be very intense.

Although Candida is usually found in the body (intestines), but when Candida in the intestine grows out of proportion due to some non-compliance, it causes both systemic and local infections. There are many things that can cause irregularities in the intestines but one of the possible or common factors is the impairment of the acid-base balance in both the intestine and the blood.

To keep Candida under control and in balance, it needs proper nutrition and nutrition. Here are avocados, carrots, apricots, figs, cucumbers, lemons, soybeans, tomatoes, grapefruit, spinach, almonds, asparagus, cabbage, and salads. All of these foods are examples of foods that form good alkali in maintaining the body's pH level. Eating more alkaline foods is a necessary step toward natural full treatment in its approach to yeast infections in the vagina.


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