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How Dietary Carbohydrates Become Abdominal Fat

Like all animals, we need to have some glucose in our blood all the time. Our brain needs a small supply of glucose but without it, they can't function. If the glucose level drops too low, we may lose consciousness or die.

Glucose is the basic building block for energy. It burns every body function we need to do, from people we control ourselves to, such as walking, working, playing sports and so on, to people whose bodies take care of us without our conscious involvement, such as breathing, making hormones, circulating our blood, maintaining our ability to live!

We all need glucose, but we can have too many good things! So let's find out a little bit about what it really is, how we got it, used it and saved it. By really understanding some of the basic facts about glucose, you will find out why you can eat good foods but keep your body fat.

Glucose is a simple sugar: simple, that is, related to its molecular structure, C6H12O6. What makes it simple is that it contains just three basic elements - carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. This type of sugar is very easy to call a monosaccharide.

It is one of the two fuels that the body's cells can burn for energy. The rest is fat. We all need glucose, but surprisingly most of it doesn't come from eating. Instead, most of our glucose requirements are met by our digestive system breaking down molecules larger than sugars and complex starch, known as carbohydrates. The time and effort it takes for our body to convert other carbohydrates to glucose depends on the size and complexity of these larger molecules.

It will take some time to convert another simple sugar into glucose. Let's take fructose as our first example. It is another monosaccharide, and it has the same chemical formula as glucose, C6H12O6. The only difference is that some elements are bound together in a slightly different configuration. Because all the elements are present, in equal quantities, and in very similar structures, it takes very little time for the body to break down the fructose structure to reorganize it into glucose. There are actually a number of monosaccharides that all share the same formula, but with slightly different structures: algae, altrose, fructose, galactose, glucose, glucose, idose, mannose, sorbose, talose, tagatose. So much sugar - so little time to turn it into glucose! Fructose is a sugar found naturally in fruits, and as you can see now, sugar from fruit can be used very quickly to give glucose to the body. Here's a way to quickly revive your diabetic patients with a little orange juice drink!

Just for perfection I should mention that there are some monosaccharides that do not share their chemical formulas with glucose, but which still contain the basic building blocks of carbon, hydrogen and water.

The next most basic sugar is disaccharides. It contains two molecules of simple sugars bound together. Sucrose is a great example for us to use here - because there are basically only two sugar molecules, one fructose and the other glucose. Maltose is better - it's just two molecules of glucose that are linked together. To convert maltose into glucose, all the digestive system needs to do is break one of the molecules of maltose, and it has two molecules of glucose! So again, we can see that diluting the disaccharide can produce glucose quickly and easily.

The more complex carbohydrate structure contains long chains of sugar molecules that are bound together. Where they have between two and ten molecules of sugar in their structure is called ogliosaccharides. The most complex, with the longer chain is polysaccharide. The digestive system needs to work harder, and it takes a little longer to break the chain, and rearrange the elements to create glucose, but it's still reaching this point quickly.

Complex sugars such as those found in honey, syrup, milk and others, and starch found in cereals, potatoes, rice, nuts and other carbohydrate rich foods contain glucose chains that bind together with other substances. During digestion, the enzyme breaks down this bond and releases glucose molecules that are then absorbed into your bloodstream.

Sugar balance, or blood sugar control, is the process of ensuring that we have enough, but not too much, glucose floating in our blood at one time. As we said, it's important that there is always glucose in the blood, to keep our brain functioning. However, the amount of glucose in our blood is not static. Our cells constantly use glucose and burn it for energy. Replacing used glucose is important for our brain. If the system that controls our blood sugar is healthy, the amount of glucose they provide is sufficient to replace the glucose used! This way, you can say we "balance" our blood sugar.

Blood sugar levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day. However, there are two basic points to consider. One is fasting and the other is post-independence.

Fasting occurs when the digestion is complete, for example at night, when we sleep. With a balanced diet, we enter the fasted state three hours after eating. During fasting we maintain normal blood sugar levels by releasing some glucose from glycogen stores, or by converting protein to new glucose.

Our insulin levels, which are hormones released by the pancreas, tell our mom when they need to provide more glucose into the bloodstream. When no new glucose is inserted into the bloodstream from the digestive tract, little insulin is released and low levels warn the liver to act.

We stay fasting until we eat foods that contain carbohydrates. After eating, any of the glucose in the food will be absorbed into our bloodstream within fifteen minutes. Just fifteen minutes? Even if we eat glucose by itself, it enters our bloodstream and starts feeding our brain cells even before it leaves our mouths: again, think of how quickly a diabetic can recover from a glucose drink!

When we talk about carbohydrates we usually think of two categories: refined and complex. Fine carbohydrates are those that will be converted into glucose within minutes, while complex carbohydrates will take a while.

Simple or refined carbohydrates, such as white flour or sugar, usually take between half an hour and an hour to deliver glucose into our bloodstream. More complex carbohydrates, such as grains, can take between one and three hours to fully digest. During this so-called postprandial state, the concentration of glucose in our blood begins to rise as glucose following digestion comes to light. For those of us with a healthy body, once glucose levels start to rise, our pancreas is stimulated to release large amounts of insulin. The function of insulin is to activate receptors on our cell walls that allow these cells to take glucose molecules away from our blood and burn them for fuel or store them for future use.

Assuming we now have a healthy blood sugar system, let's see how the body uses other nutrients, and how it can affect our blood sugar balance too!

With this information, you can begin to see and understand why managing food intake is so important to control energy, weight and shape.

In simple terms, our bodies need two main things from food: they need energy, and they need a tool kit to grow, grow, and improve our tissues and tissues. The key to a great body is to balance this need - and especially to make sure that our energy comes from food matching the amount of energy we need to meet our daily activities: too little energy to spell problems, too many spells too much!

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of how fast food is converted to glucose, compared to glucose itself. The higher the GI, the faster the conversion process. So glucose itself records a full 100 on the GI scale, with refined carbohydrates, consisting of a simple chain of sugars, a very high carbohydrate and so on, and simple or low protein and fat. Our body can actually convert protein to glucose, as we have seen, although the digestive process takes longer due to the complexity of the protein structure.

Different mechanisms start to kick as we make more glucose than we need to meet our energy needs. At first it wasn't a big deal. Through a process called glycolysis, excess glucose is converted to glycogen stored in our hearts and muscles. This is what an athlete intends to do with so-called "carb-loading": this is to ensure that as much glycogen as possible is stored, so that it can provide energy support for the long race! Glycogen is quickly converted to glucose, and thus energy, when we find ourselves in a state of need for more energy than we already have. However, our glycogen stores are endless - they are full. On average we can store about 360 calories of energy in our glycogen stores - which means that if we need to take our energy reserves, we have 360 ​​calories of activity before our bodies need to find new sources of nutrients to convert them to glucose.

In a situation where we digest carbohydrates without the need for instant energy AND our glycogen stores are full, yet another digestive process occurs. This time excess glucose is converted into body fat, which is usually stored near the liver - causing the shape of an "apple" or "muffin hat".

If we engage in physical activity and supply our existing glucose supply, AND we empty our glycogen stores I HAVE to turn our body to our fat store for energy. When we develop a condition in which our bodies start to use fat for fuel, our mothers begin to convert protein into our brain glucose to keep going. If there is enough body, we will get it directly from the protein foods we eat, such as meat or cheese. However, where there is insufficient dietary protein, our body digests our own muscle tissue.

Let's think about this very briefly: when our bodies start burning our body fat for energy, do our people start breaking down our lean tissue too? Yes!

Because our body can "eat" our own muscle tissue in this way, an inadequate diet that is low in protein causes it to lose its harmful effects. This is one of the ways that most designer diet plans are inherently flawed and can lead to unhealthy consequences!

So the food product's 'healthy' tend to be reduced or low in fat. The diet industry has been relying on low-fat alternatives for years, and there's no sign that this is changing every day now! However, looking at product labels clearly shows ... taking fat, and some need replacing it. Usually this is sugar! These foods have an imbalance in the production of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, together called "macronutrients". Low-sugar or sugar-free food products, which are basically meant to eliminate the most refined carbohydrates, have no solution either! You can be sure that any dietary regime that requires you to eliminate or destroy any macronutrient is essentially defective: for your health and well-being you really need all three. Losing weight like this rarely involves losing fat! Your healthy tissue may start to suffer too - and if the damage is not addressed then poor health is the real risk.

Protein and fat are especially needed to provide the tool kit components needed for body development, growth and repair. They are complex molecules that require a lot of digestive work, and are converted more slowly than carbohydrates. When consumed together with carbohydrates they also slow down the rate at which carbohydrates can be digested - because the digestive system should work on whole foods. This is the basis of Glycemic Load (GL). We can also produce the rate at which our bodies can convert food into available energy by combining carbohydrates with other nutrients to make food that is converted to energy at a rate that we can use, depending on our activity at that time. The lower the GL food, the more digestive we will be to get energy from the food, which means our glycogen stores are not always full, and we will be protected from depositing belly fat which gives us an apple or muffin-top shape.


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