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Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

People have to wonder why after billions of dollars have been put into cancer research and development, it is reported that you have a higher chance of getting cancer today than you did in 1950. In fact, if you were diagnosed with cancer today the chance to survive was what they were in the 1950s, in many cases, most of the time.

Our healthcare system and government have lied to and misled people about the effectiveness of traditional medical treatments for cancer. Chemotherapy, medicine, surgery, and radiation are the most lucrative health industry services and products on the planet. There are more benefits to cancer treatment than any other disease. Most of us have no idea what a big business this is. Some families make billions of dollars a year in the benefits of treating cancer. When we say cancer treatment is exactly what it means. There are many benefits to healing. Imagine if we could cure the cancer now that the cancer would be eradicated from the trillions of dollars the planet would lose! And treatment is a government mandate. So the people at the top of this economic pyramid would rather you have cancer than not. You are forced to treat it in a way that makes money for those who benefit from the disease. And that is true because they actively maintain alternative remedies in the market or make it very difficult to provide and choose alternative methods for treating cancer.

With any disease if you find the cause then the following cure. So, whatever the cause of cancer? Investigators tell us we don't know why. That's not true. According to & # 147; Natural Cures They Don't Want to Know About & # 148;, by Kevin Trudeaux, & # 147; suppressed and hidden from the American public. This is the case with big tobacco and with Ford and General Motors. Big tobacco knew as early as 1950 that their products caused cancer and disease. They lied about the matter to the American public, as well as to congressional hearings. They are hiding the truth. Ford and General Motors know that some of their products, including Pinto and Corvair, will cause people to become disabled, disabled, injured, and killed. They hide this information and lie about it. Today, pharmaceutical companies and heads of various organizations know the various causes of cancer. They have this empirical data, but they lie about it and hide it from the public. & # 148;

There are Kevin Trudeaux and Dr. Hulda Clark has been actively involved in outreach and helping many people.

Dr. Hulda Clark has carried out extensive research and has been actively treating the disease for many years. Below is a quote from The Cure for All Cancers, which you can buy from (

& # 147; The reason

The cause For many years we believed that cancer was different from other diseases. We believe that cancer acts like fire, so you can't stop it once it starts. Therefore, you need to cut it out or emit it to death or chemically destroy every cancerous cell in the body because it cannot be normal again. CAN'T BE REQUIRED!

And we believe that many types of cancer such as leukemia or breast cancer have different causes. Wrong again!

In this book, you will see that all types of cancer are the same. They are all caused by parasites. One parasite! It is a coincidence of the human gut. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer stops immediately. The tissue becomes normal again. To get cancer, you must have this parasite.

How can human gut fluid cause cancer? These parasites usually live in the gut where they can be slightly harmful, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease, or intestinal syndrome, or they may not at all. But if it attacks a different organ, such as the uterus or kidney or liver, it can be very dangerous. If they form in the liver, they cause cancer! It just sets itself up in the hearts of some people. These people have isopropyl alcohol in their body.

All cancer patients have both isopropyl alcohol and intestinal obstruction in their liver. The solvent, isopropyl alcohol, is responsible for allowing the coincidence to establish itself in the liver. To get cancer, you must have both parasites and isopropyl alcohol in your body. & # 148;

From the book "The Cure for all Cancers." Page 1.

Cancer can now be LEFT:

From the book The Cure for All Cancers: Cancer can now be used, not just treated. We don't usually think about the cure for cancer. We think of remit as the only possibility. But this book is not about forgiveness. It's about healing. This is probably because in 1990 I discovered the true cause of cancer. The cause is a specific parasite, for which I have found evidence in every case of cancer regardless of the type of cancer. Therefore, lung cancer is not caused by smoking, colon cancer is not caused by a low diet, breast cancer is not caused by a fatty diet, retinal blastoma is not caused by rare genes, and pancreatic cancer is not caused by alcohol use. Although these are all contributing factors, they are not the cause. When the true cause is found the cure becomes clear. But does it work? I set a goal of 100 cases to cure cancer before publishing my findings. The sign was approved in December, 1992. Finding the cause and cure of all cancers is time and again!

It is a pollutant in foods and other products that leaves us exposed to parasites and diseases. Dr. Clark has created a device known as the Syncrometer, which is used to identify various toxins in our food and products and ourselves. He also developed a tool known as a zapper that kills parasites in the body.

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." Prior to the content, by Dr. Hulda Clark, and also available at or .

& # 147; You may not have time to read this book in advance if you have cancer and are scheduled for surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment. You may want to skip the first page that describes how cancer develops.

Go straight to your cancer prescriptions and supply orders. Using a herbal recipe with a zapper is best. It only takes a few days to cure cancer no matter what type you have. No matter how far the cancer develops, you can still stop it within 5 days.

After you stop the cancer, you can make your attention better. Read the case history to see how easy it is to stop terminal cancer. Learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Does this mean you can cancel your date for surgery, radiation or chemotherapy? YES! After curing your cancer with this recipe, it cannot come back. This is not a cure for cancer: It's a cure! But if you don't want to upset your doctor, you can follow him or his wishes. Be careful not to lose any important anatomical parts in surgery though, as you may need them later when you are healthy!

Remember the oncologist is a kind, sensitive, and compassionate person. They want the best for you. They cannot know the true cause and cure cancer because it is not published for them. I have chosen to publish it for you first so that it will pay attention to you sooner. & # 148;

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." After protection.

Different solvents accumulate in different organs, in the liver, Isopropyl alcohol, which completes the life cycle of Fasciolopsis, incidental intestine. This starts the process of malignancy.

From the book Cure For All Diseases, also available at

& # 133; The killing of all parasites and their larval stages along with the removal of isopropyl alcohol and carcinogens from patients' lifestyles resulted in remarkable recovery, typically within less than a week. Cancer can be eradicated in no time & # 133;


The success rate for advanced cancer is about 95%. So you can count on this method, not just hoping it works for you. This is a comprehensive approach that not only shrinks the tumor, but also normalizes your blood chemistry, lowers your cancer markers, and restores your health. A small failure rate (5%) is due to clinical anxiety that is affecting advanced cancer patients. However, if you combine the advice in this book with access to hospital care, "helpless" patients will find the time it takes to get better.

Promise me

Step into a new world without a chronic illness. Get out of your old world. He has made you a prisoner. Try something new.

The prison has no walls. It only has lines; Lines that mark the land around you. Inside the line is your old idea. Outside is a new idea that invites you to step in and out of your prison. Dare to try these new ideas and the promise of your disease will diminish. In a few weeks it can disappear.

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." Page 1.

I highly recommend any of Dr. Clark & ​​# 146; They are amazing and as you read them, I believe you will be convinced that the cause and the cure are now available and very affordable. In the Healing for All Diseases, you will find a cure for cancer, diabetes, MS, and more, another is a book I would not want without. If you already have cancer, you may also want to take The Cure for All Cancers, or Cure for All Cancers Advanced.


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