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Surgeries used to treat excess weight

 Surgeries used to treat excess weight

There are international requirements governing the types of patients fit for such surgeries.
The most important ones (in addition to the general conditions for any surgery) are:
1- Type of diseases associated with weight gain
2. Endocrine disease
3. Long-term follow-up
4 - Bmi( more than 40)

As a reminder from the previous article, you can calculate bmi by dividing the weight (kg) by the height square (meter), for example, if someone weighs 92.5 kg, and is 1.7 meters long, the BMI is 92.5  (1,7 x 1,7)= 32, a simple ghee case.

And we've divided the types by BMI into:
• Simple ghee and have a BMI of less than 30
• Medium ghee and BMI from 35 to 40
• Excessive ghee and BMI more than 40

The success and impact of such surgeries are measured by:
1- Weight loss by more than 30%
2. BMI should be less than 35
3- To be accompanied by an improvement in chronic diseases associated with weight gain

Some of the most important of these surgeries are:
1- Connecting the stomach to the intestines:
• Is the most prevalent
• Complications of iron and vitamin B12 deficiency for more than 30%
2- Gastric staples
Results such as the first surgery are not given, and a ring can be added to increase effectiveness
3- Stomach strap
One of the least damaging of these surgeries.
4- Laparoscopic removal of part of the stomach
It's run for patients of a dangerous nature.
5. Infectious balloon
It is inserted orally without surgery and is not recommended to be used for more than 6 months and may increase weight again after lifting

There are other benefits in addition to weight loss.
1- A marked improvement in the sugar content of diabetics
2- Improvement in high blood pressure
3- Improvement in blood lipids
4- Improvement in shortness of breath during sleep

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