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I'm obese. Can I lose weight?

I'm obese.  Can I lose weight?

Camilla Slim asks I was suffering from a decrease in thyroid secretion, which made me hyperactive, and after taking the synthetic hormone only three months ago the hormone ratio is at the beginning of the normal rate, can my adultery decrease by following a diet?

Is there a diet dedicated to hypothyroidism as it is prevalent in forums? Is the rate of weight loss really too slow? Knowing that I have joint problems due to obesity, I weigh 148, I am 168 and I am 35 years old?

Dr. Mustafa Sari, consultant nutritionist and physiotherapist, answers: Weight gain in this way means excessive fat, mainly caused by the wrong dietary behavior, eating large amounts of food more than the need of the body, so that the energy gained becomes much more than the energy consumed, and turns into fat Excess, weight increases gradually until it reaches this degree, it is known that obesity can lead to many health problems, in this case obesity caused problems in the knees as a result of the huge amount of excess weight, so it is after recovering from hormonal imbalance "thyroid problems"" You must follow a diet that leads to gradual weight loss, and the rate of weight loss will be normal for her, and after losing 10: 15% of weight should increase the activity movement gradually, and after the weight loss, the problems in the joints will improve and she has to follow this diet :

Daily breakfast choose any of the following:
- 1/4 loaf + 2 boiled eggs + lettuce or cucumber
- Or 1/4 loaf + 5 tablespoons bean + boiled egg
- Or 1/4 loaf + 5 tablespoons crunchy cheese + 1 cup yogurt

Between breakfast and food:
- Half chick or 1/4 kg meat or half kg grilled or boiled fish + green salad
- Or boiled vegetables + toast slice or 3 tablespoons boiled rice or boiled potato fruit
- Between lunch and dinner:
- Slice biscuits or fruit
- Dinner:
- Such as breakfast, food or one fruit item except for figs, grapes, dates, bananas and mango.

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