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Candidiasis - Male and Female Yeast Infection Symptoms

Candidiasis occurs when candida in the body grows beyond the normal tolerance level. Normally, candida is stored in the body with the help of natural bacteria. Usually the worst case scenario is a few days of diarrhea. But if the natural bacteria in the body does not re-establish healthy balance quickly, the yeast can develop and cause widespread growth. In the mouth, it's called "thrush". In the vagina, it is called "vaginitis" or simply "yeast infection". But when candidiasis occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, it can remain invisible or misdiagnosed for weeks or months. Currently it can cause a variety of symptoms.

Candidiasis includes superficial infections, such as oral diarrhea and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases. Symptoms of candidiasis include constipation, bloating and gas. It can also cause patients to feel full even if they don't eat much. Because candidiasis can also interfere with the intake of nutrients from one's diet, fatigue, low energy and hungry headaches can become common. Symptoms of candidiasis may vary depending on the affected area. In many cases in different parts of the body, symptoms of candidiasis may include redness, itching and discomfort. Most infectious infections can be treated and cause minimal complications. Candidiasis is usually treated with antifungal drugs. This may be in the form of cream or in the form of pills.

Yeast infections can usually be found on the damp surfaces of the body such as the mouth, vagina and intestines. However, if the infection is not treated for a long period of yeast can turn into a form of fungus that absorbs rizoids such as roots below the mucous surface. This usually occurs without anyone realizing that there is a yeast infection that occurs when it comes to the intestinal tract. However, when this happens, toxins and other substances that are usually prevented from penetrating the surface of the intestinal lining are allowed to invade the entire body. It causes a disease known as "Leaky Gut Syndrome".

This type of infection can cause a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms include nausea, vaginitis, diarrhea, rectal inflammation, flatulence, or bladder inflammation. In the extreme, it can start triggering the body's immune system to act on itself. This may cause fatigue, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, respiratory problems, menstrual problems, eczema, acne, itching, psoriasis, insomnia, or irritation all of which seem far from the real source of the problem. Another type of complication is known as "invasive candidiasis" or "candidemia". This occurs when yeast or yeast toxins enter the bloodstream. This is usually caused by injury or surgery. When a person has yeast infection in their blood they may show fever and chills that do not respond to antibiotics. It can spread to the kidneys, liver, spleen, joints or eyes, causing further damage.


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