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Facts About ADHD in Adults, Symptoms and Treatment

These factors include genetics, physical and social environment and diet. ADHD is known as a developmental disorder in children. People with this condition are characterized by hyperactivity, nonsensical behavior and impulsive behavior. About 60% of children with this condition maintain symptoms of adulthood. In childhood men are more affected by ADHD than women but this ratio is increasing in adulthood.

Adults with ADHD have difficulty remembering information, following directions, focusing, organizing their work, and completing their tasks. These difficulties must be managed or not, they will cause emotional, academic, social and behavioral problems. Adults behaviors with ADHD include depression, mood swings, low self-esteem, difficulty controlling anger, poor organizational skills, impulsiveness, low frustration tolerance, relationship problems, anxiety and chronic depression. This behavior varies depending on the person and the situation and the distance from mild to severe. Adults with this condition either draw from society (antisocial) or may be afraid of being alone (too social).

Because of this adult behavior with ADHD has some problems with their work, education, relationships and social life. They have poor performance in their jobs which in turn leads to some job achievement. Adults with this condition are poorly educated and considered less intelligent. They have regular discipline problems at school. Most adults with ADHD repeat grades and in the worst case scenario get out of school. Adults with ADHD in relationships often have a higher incidence of separation. They are more likely to misuse drugs, become angry and over-drive while driving.

ADHD in adults can be diagnosed using several methods. The questionnaire may be administered to determine whether the person has ADHD in childhood. Records of adult behavior and behavior can be evaluated to determine if they are experiencing this condition. These records include report cards, police records etc. Looking at family history of these disorders can also provide important information as these disorders are genetic. Advanced diagnostic methods such as physical examination, psychocommunication tests (e.g. IQ tests) or EEG, MRI, or CT can be used to diagnose this condition

You cannot get rid of ADHD in adults but only manage and control it. An in-depth evaluation needs to be done to produce the best management method. These methods include physiological behavior management, behavioral treatment and dietary screening. Psychosocial strategies include regulating yourself, taking medications as prescribed, reducing discomfort, finding a constructive way to energy and seeking help when you need it. Behavioral treatments include undergoing therapy to improve self-esteem, stress management and education, behavior and job guidance so that one can learn the strategies of the organization. As far as diet goes, sweet foods should be avoided. This is because coordination of the brain damages the sugar. Also make sure that you stay away from foods that cause allergies. Avoid soft drinks because they contain phosphate. Phosphate disrupts the levels of magnesium and calcium in the body leading to hypersensitivity. Adult exposure to the sun also works in managing ADHD. We can live like others with ADHD if they follow these simple tips.


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