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Can A "Strawberry" Melt The Fat Away?

The world of non-surgical contouring is about to explode! Advances in technology have now made it possible for plastic surgeons to help more people than ever before in achieving their goals - but not in the operating room! It's done right in the office. Walk in, out. Usually in less than 30 minutes. No restrictions, no downtime. That's because there is no surgery, no grip, no stitches, needles, no bruises, no recovery, no pain whatsoever - nothing. Just harmless fat melting from nowhere by some very special and unique laser tool! You will hear more about this year's incredible surgical therapeutic fat melting system. There are several types of non-invasive devices that seem to work well. But this is the next generation, the next evolution in melting is not fat surgery! The Strawberry Laser Lipo system is quickly becoming a top choice among doctors and patients and moving quickly to the top of the list. Lipo Laser Strawberry Machine was developed and first manufactured in England about 6 years ago. It has helped over 5 million people in over 30 countries around the world rebuild and resign without surgery! Fortunately for us, the Strawberry system has been cleaned up for use in the U.S. by the FDA when research showed a remarkable 95% success rate for strong non-surgical melting ability. This is a state of fat reduction without the best art and body contouring!

Is this sound too good to be true? How does this work? This is all because of the "cold laser" technology known as low-level laser therapy or LLLT. Cold lasers do not burn, fry or heat the skin. It's like someone shining a flashlight on your skin - if you close your eyes, you won't know. But it turns out that because this 660 nm LLLT is a very special wavelength from the innocent Strawberry Laser that appears on the skin, the diode laser light is especially harmless, quiet and smiling. The light then goes further, through all layers of the skin, without any harmful effects, until the laser light is finally absorbed by the fat cells beneath it. The absorbed light "tricks" the fat cells think they are supposed to be empty - the cells think they have received the same signal for empty as if they were exercising! The various pores that drain the pores begin to form on thousands of fat cells under the skin in areas targeted by Strawberry Laser, such as the love or lower abdomen. The pores force the fat content of fat cells to flow out. Fat cells start to empty and begin to collapse and shrink in size! Gradually the entire target area began to shrink and shrink! Most patients are happy to see the results of this process immediately - they usually have a decrease in ribbon size in the fat storage area after just one treatment session! Liquid fat is processed as waste (as always, by the lymphatic system) and eventually passes through the body and is eliminated. There is more fat to melt though! Empty fat cells and their leakage holes were left open and drained for several days, long after the Strawberry Laser treatment session was given. This helps to ignite and evoke the effects of any exercise or diet to be more effective. The FDA released a research study showing an average reduction of almost 4 inches from just one area measured at the bottom of a stomach after a series of Strawberry Laser Lipo therapy sessions in just one month! So, can "strawberry" melt that fat? The answer is yes! See your local certified plastic surgeon for a consultation and find out if the amazing Strawberry Laser is the right choice for you!


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