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Waters Powerful Role in Healthy Brain Function

Are you worried about losing your memory? Learn why drinking fresh and pure water is a natural way to maintain healthy brain function throughout your life.

Waters Role in Functional Brain Function

Water plays a very important role in the diet and function of your body. Many parts of your brain draw a lot of their energy from water.

Water must be brought into your body in a natural, natural way, maximizing your weight in ounces every day.

Water is essential for energy production in cells and in your overall metabolism, and neurotransmission. Nerve transmission is highly dependent on water. A small stream of water, or a micro-stream runs along the length of your nerves. This stream applies neurotransmitters along the microtubules to the nerve endings.

When your body is dehydrated, nerve transmission is compromised and brain function decreases. Chronic nerve pain can only be the end result of chronic dehydration.

Many chronic and painful conditions, including arthritis and fibromyalgia, are often significantly reduced after adequate rehydration.

Another important consideration is that water actually holds your body cells together. Water keeps the cell membranes together by forming hydronium ions that make water sticky and help bind your cells together. This gives your cells a higher viscosity that helps increase the efficiency of proteins and enzymes.

In dehydrated cells, their metabolism is greatly reduced. Dehydration has a dramatic effect especially on sugar metabolism, immune system and detoxification. Dehydration greatly affects the movement of the lymph through the body and causes the lymph system to clog up and break down.

From the cellular point of view, the delivery of nutrients through the cell wall is done by water. Many deficiencies are often specific dehydration problems.

Dehydration is an important producer of free radicals in your body and hydration effectively removes free radicals faster than most other therapies. Fully hydrated body can reduce your need for antioxidant supplements.

Lung dehydration is considered an important factor in respiratory disease. Sometimes the most dramatic results can be found in asthma and chronic bronchitis with simple rehydration.
Dehydration is a major source of stress in the body and changes the amino acid balance. This can cause DNA damage during cell division which can lead to many diseases such as cancer and other cell mutation problems.

Water is an important energy conductor such as your meridian and chakra energy systems. When your body is dry, it's very difficult for energy-based therapies like acupunture, Reiki, Bowenwork® and BodyTalk (TM) to work.

Due to imbalances in the cellular environment many cells of the human body and brain tissue are dehydrated, despite drinking enough water. The BodyTalk system has specific procedures that address any underlying factors that may limit the absorption of water throughout your body.


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