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How to Get Six Pack Abs Abs in Two Weeks

We all know that the envy we sometimes get when beautiful models lend their abs well and structured to our faces. They got it so I think they have the right to show it off. The good news however is that you can achieve such a body within two weeks. You just need to know why you want that kind of body, what prevents you from getting it and how to get hard abs.

1) Why: People want six pack abs for different reasons but we all share the confidence that a good body gives. Your reason for wanting it is very important to you, to be the motivator for the days when your will is running low. It could be your new lover, your clothes, your job, your health or you just want a great body. Whatever the reason, you have to crave it so badly that you are not willing to start the program but to see it.

2) What prevents you: Some of us have really tried to achieve our dream abs but no matter how hard we try we can't seem to succeed. It can be very frustrating from one exercise program to another, from one diet to another, and practically starving yourself and you still get belly fat. It's not something you do but more than what you do wrong.

3) How to get six abs packages:

1) Watch what you eat; Not everything looks or feels good to you. Forget what is written on the package, packaged food is not good for you. You need to eat more fresh foods than processed foods. Avoid snacks, fries, red meat and white bread. Eat fiber rich in fiber, lots of vegetables, lean protein, nuts, fresh diary products rich in calcium, fish (salmon fish, mackerel, cod liver etc), chicken. To lose weight effectively, you need to know the difference.

2) Watch how you eat; Don't starve yourself but don't eat more. Gas is also responsible for the size of your stomach and eating too much causes gas. Dissolving your diet into five or six portions daily will help increase your metabolic rate and give you the energy needed to do your workouts.

3) Exercise: To get six abs packages in two weeks, you need to do intensive training. Burns from every part of the body at a time, so to lose belly fat you need to burn your whole body fat. Cardiovascular exercises like running, skipping or playing football should be done at least one hour a day. Try to mix it up and stick to what you enjoy.

Abdominal exercises such as butterfly crunches, foot lifts, back reversal crunches, leg lifts should be done for at least forty minutes a day. Some weight lifting also needs to be done.

You may not realize the results for the first week but as your body fat starts to lose six packs you become more prominent.


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