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Going Gluten Free?

Is it gluten free?

Gluten, which generally means glue in Latin, is a protein found in wheat, barley, malt and rye. It is most problematic for individuals with Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Because Celiac disease affects only 1% of the population, it is rare, and gluten-free lifestyles are needed. Some symptoms of gluten sensitivity, which affects more people, include; Intestinal Syndrome (IBS), Neuropathy (Nervous and Nervous Disease), Autoimmune Disease, and Inflammation. Naturally gluten-free foods are mostly whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, nuts, herbs and wild rice.

Why are hot topics like gluten right now?

Because, while Celiac disease affects only 1% of the population, many gluten-sensitive individuals can only learn by eliminating gluten within 6 months. In fact, 6-10% of the US population has this type of food sensitivity.

Is it healthier to live without gluten?

There are many products available for anyone who wants to live gluten-free, but like the Standard American Diet, many packaged products contain high amounts of sugar, starch and salt. It is very important to be a label detective and study the ingredients and see how much sodium and sugar are in each meal. Of course, the easiest way to have a healthy diet is to concentrate on whole foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts, nuts and gluten-free seeds naturally. Gluten-free flour is a great product to use when burned, but nutrient deficiency is usually found in 100% wheat flour, so no nutrients are found.

Is gluten clearly labeled?

Unfortunately there is no law that requires packaged foods to be labeled for gluten content. Some obvious ways to check are to find food products containing wheat, barley, rye, yeast beer, and beer as well as malt flavors, malt vinegar and malt. Also, there are cross contamination points with lots of oats so if you go gluten-free, just pick oats that say they are made in gluten-free plants. Some organic companies will disclose in their packaging that the product is made in a plant containing wheat, so this is another label to keep in mind.

How do I know if I have Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease can be found with almost 100% accurate blood tests. Keep in mind that in order for this blood test to be accurate in identifying antibodies, you need to keep eating gluten.

Close your mind

Having a gluten-free diet is not for everyone and as you might have guessed, it's hard to stick to all the gluten-free items like pizza, pasta, and other breads like products and crackers and baked goods. There are some gluten-free substitutes, but they are not a healthy snack version or unhealthy food. If you suffer from the symptoms listed in the first paragraph of this article, you should at least talk to your doctor, nutritionist, or health coach about your digestive concerns. Working with a nutritionist or medical professional will help you get on the right track. These specialists will offer options for alternative foods, healthy gluten-free foods, and can monitor your progress.

Some additional resources:

  • Gluten Free Diet: A Comprehensive Guide by Case Shelly -

  • National Institutes of Health -


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