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IBS Diet - Foods & Eating For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

So if you have IBS (or bad bowel), one of the biggest questions you always have is - What can you eat? What diet won't attack your symptoms? And what foods will actually help & heal your stomach?

There are many dietary theories and programs that have been proposed for Irritable Healing. In this article I will look at the main things I have been trying to do, and then share what I have been doing in my research for 5 years with this situation.

No Right or Wrong Food

The first major myth that needs to be dispelled now is the "right food". There is actually no right or wrong food.

And each digestive system is unique. And every situation is unique. So what works for others may not work for you. Instead, what works for you may not work for others.

In this article, and the book you choose to buy, I'll share some common foods and recipes that have been known to work. But the key to finding a proper diet with Irritable Intestine is to do this with a taste of experimentation. Keep track of your diet and see what works for you, under what circumstances.

The other thing is that food is sometimes related to the problems you are currently experiencing. For example, if you are having a problem right now - it's best to avoid foods that will make it worse.

Does Soluble Fiber Help Digestion?

You may have read in some books that foods rich in soluble fiber in small quantities over time can help IBS patients stabilize their digestive system. As it is one of the most popular theories out there, I give it a good and intense shot.

In my case, soluble fiber doesn't help too much - even if it doesn't hurt either. I have read several case studies where long term use of soluble fiber has helped to improve the strength of the digestive system. In my case, they may have helped a little - but the difference is huge.

My advice to you is to try soluble fiber - if it hurts, stop it for a week. If it helps (or is neutral), continue this as a lifestyle habit. Fiber fiber is part of 1 or 2 meals daily. Therefore, it can be a safe bet to consume this food when in doubt:

* Oat / oat bran

* Beans and peas

* Peanuts

* Barley

* Flax seeds

* Fruits such as oranges and apples

* Vegetables like carrots

* Psyllium husk

Acid-alkaline balance

Our bodies have a sensitive balance of acids and acids. This is known as pH balance (you might remember from grade 9 chemistry). Usually when we lose this balance, we end up with acidity.

The problem is that almost everything we eat is acidic! Most of the meat, bread, coffee, soft drinks, and fruits are also acidic ... So how do you get your alkaline balance?

The easiest way is to drink plenty of water. Yes, 2-3 liters of water daily will dilute the acidic effect and keep your pH balance normal. If you want to go one step further, drink an alkaline drink. These include green tea, barley, wheat grass, lime juice, mango / watermelon / apple / ginger and herbal tea.

In Goodbye IBS! books & bonuses, you'll find useful sheets of alkaline foods that you can print and attach at home. This will remind you to replenish your food with alkaline foods that constantly balance your pH. (you can find the mini version of the bonus report at this URL - (

Fresh, Vegetarian Foods Are Easiest to Digest

Do you have any meat cooked outside, eating for 72 hours? You know what happens to it ... it starts, it attracts acrobatic growth and you generally throw it away, right?

Well, did you know that it takes red meat 60-72 hours to get through your digestive system? And your stomach is hotter and drier than any outside environment ... imagine what your digestive system needs to be absorbed and the red meat process.

White meat takes 40-48 hours to process. A little better, but can you still imagine leaving your toast for two days?

Cooked vegetables take 24-30 hours to process.

Mature vegetables take 10-15 hours to get through your intestines.

And finally, fresh fruit takes 2-3 hours to get through your system & is absorbed.

What does this mean for you? Should you give up all kinds of meat? Should you be vegetarian?

I don't know, and I won't tell you how you live. But I'll tell you that if you increase the quantity of fresh food - your stomach will have a much easier time working ... and your body will have a much easier time healing.

I've switched to having about 50% of my diet as fresh or very lightly steamed / cooked. And I prefer fruits & vegetables over meat. If you have to choose meat, fish is the most digestible food. All other meats are more difficult for the stomach to digest (if you must, the chicken comes first and the red meat later).

Research has found that by comparing the human digestive system with herbivores and carnivores ... we have almost everything identical to herbivores. Acid content in our stomach, length of digestive intestine and role of sulfur.

You don't have to turn to vegetarian diets - but just try to add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Replace your breakfast with fresh fruits and notice the immediate differences that lead to your overall digestion and energy. Once you experience lightness and energy, you no longer need to be convinced.

Avoid Normal Triggering Foods

If you have to be blind to one direction from my book, let it be - avoid this food category at all costs. Here are the proven triggers for IBS symptoms and you should avoid them:

* Coffee, tea and other caffeine drinks (For your morning snacks, try replacing coffee with a light workout or fresh fruit)

* Spicy, oily and fried foods (It's a hard one, but you have to stop KFC & McDonald's for a few weeks)

* Dairy foods (cheese, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, milk, cream, half and half, ice cream, whipped cream, yogurt, frozen yogurt).

* High fat foods, High protein foods & red meat (Your body cannot produce the enzymes needed to break down fat)

* Gassy Foods (beans, broccoli, cabbage, onions, brussel sprouts, and garlic)

How you eat is more important than what you eat

There are some general guidelines that are the basis for healthy digestion. And chances are you are ignoring this right now. Follow this advice and you will see the immediate way in which food is processed inside you.

First, remember that almost half of the digestive tract is inside your mouth. Saliva is a very powerful digestive enzyme. So when you are not chewing (and only eating your food), you are doubling down on work for your gut. And your sick intestines won't hold it. Therefore, shake every bite for at least 30 seconds and eat safely ... anxiety exacerbates IBS.

Second, eat only two to three times a day. If you are eating a healthy diet, you will not need more than three small meals a day. It takes a lot of energy from your body to digest food - so if you keep eating, you'll spend all your energy on digestion and don't have the time to actually enjoy that energy for real work. It's okay to have snacks in between - they help keep the snack and keep the digestive system at low intensity throughout the day.

Third, snacks only. You need to understand the difference between eating for the stomach and eating for the tongue. The body doesn't need much to keep going and stay strong. If you reduce it to three to five times as much food a day, the engine will probably break. Eat two to three regular meals and notice the difference. Designing Your Foods Make It Easier To Attach The Right Diet

Here is something I learned after years of wandering. When I started planning dinner last night ... I realized I had to decide what to eat early to really do it.

Also, soon I have a piece of information about what I eat, how I answer it ... and my own cheat key on what to eat and what not. If you buy IBS Goodbye! book, you'll find your own daily diet tracking sheet for use and a 12-week program to help you easily learn how to use it. (If you are interested, you can find out more at (

Why You Should Follow This Simple Advice

Now that you've read this giant article, let me introduce myself. My name is Rachit Dayal and I have IBS for five years. In the meantime, I had the opportunity to do many diet experiments on my own.

Initially, my goal was to find out what foods didn't trigger my symptoms. But at the same time, I find that some foods actually help * my * condition. And with some of the other treatments I've tried over the years, I finally get rid of IBS from my symptoms and think of a diet that allows me to live my life without worrying about having a stomach upset.

I wrote a book called "Goodbye IBS!" (you can read more about it at, and I took part in the book and published it all over the Internet as an article. My hope is that someone who really needs good IBS advice will be able to read this article and see the improvement in their symptoms in a few hours.

Over the past year, I have sold hundreds of copies of my books and have received great response from people who have applied simple principles in their lives. Almost everyone who makes the effort to realize that their digestion is easier, their symptoms are lessened and their health improved.

These principles are proven. In fact, they're mind-boggling that they seem to have forgotten. If you suffer from painful conditions from Irritable Bowel, then take the opportunity and heal.


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