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How to Choose the Right Dog Trainer For Your Behavior Problem

The first approach, known as the medical model, tends to treat behaviors such as illness or illness. The medical model requires problems categorized in order for the standard treatment protocol to apply. The medical model does not address the possible causes of the behavior and does not see any other, possibly related, features that may be associated with animal behavior. For example, if a dog exhibits extraordinary irritation, fear or excitement with a siren sound, the medical model may need a prescription pill designed to calm the dog. Models and treatments also do not address the potential causes of behaviors such as early life trauma or unbalanced or unbalanced diets.

The second approach can be called the Behavior Analytical approach. In contrast to the medical model, a behavioral analysis approach to assessing problem behavior recognizes that behavior is a product of the environment and the history of an individual animal. This approach aims to correct the root causes of problem behaviors by focusing on the details of specific behaviors. Behavioral approaches do not necessarily have to worry about how behaviors evolve or processes that drive behavior. From our previous example, if a dog mastered the siren sound, the behavioral approach would not attempt to reveal the source of the siren's fear but would only recognize the relationship between the siren's sound and the dog's fearful behavior and develop a plan for air conditioning and desensitization so that the dog would no longer be afraid of the sound. siren and react in an unhealthy way.

Behavioral approaches to problem behavior are much more effective and efficient in changing behavior than medical model methods because they do not rely on guess work, or trial and error but systematically identify the relationship between behavior and environment and then set to work developing behavior change program.

If you are considering hiring a dog trainer, you need to determine the methods they will use in order to protect your dog's well-being and believe in an effective treatment plan. Just ask potential trainers to describe the process they will go through in assessing your dog's behavior problems and the framework they use to change their behavior. Based on their answers, you will be able to decide what is best for your dog


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