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Does Water Therapy Help Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Acute bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common digestive problem that actually affects the gut characterized by chronic and persistent symptoms such as constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas and bloating, as well as vomiting and nausea. This is mainly due to intestinal sensitivity which results in intestinal muscle spasms, causing discomfort to the patient, which can range from mild to severe.

Although the cause of IBS is still unclear and well known, the symptoms of IBS sufferers are believed to be due to the sensitivity of their stomachs, which means that they are associated with changes in normal muscle control in the intestine.

There are several possible causes that can lead to IBS, which all affect the function of the intestine. Some of the known causes include a person's diet and eating habits, which also reflect that person's lifestyle, certain triggering foods that help stimulate the gut and cause symptoms, as well as certain stressors such as anxiety and depression.

Water Therapy For IBS

There are many types of treatments for IBS, many of which aim to overcome the cause of the symptoms, or the symptoms themselves. Although IBS symptoms may prove to be a problem at times, it is important to remember that this does not lead to serious complications in the future.

However, treating these symptoms can still help you overcome not only your condition, but also your anxiety, giving you a better chance of coping. Different treatments include changes in your eating habits and diet, such as avoiding certain trigger foods, or improving foods that help fight your body such as fiber, better stress management, and even hypnotherapy. Another alternative form of treatment that people can take in treating IBS is through water therapy.

Water therapy can actually help cure IBS since water is known to help relax the bowel, making it easier for your stomach to pass through your intestines, reducing the amount of pain and discomfort you may feel. Water can actually help soften the stools, reducing the effects of constipation. Water can also help add fluid to stools that help with peristalsis, or natural bowel movements such as stool pass through the gut, eliminating the chance of stomach cramps and muscle cramps caused by irregular bowel movements.

Water can also help keep the digestive tract functioning properly by ensuring that the gastrointestinal muscle tone stays at a normal level, by diluting the toxic residues in the GI tract, by binding irritation, by maintaining proper gut flora balance, and by bringing oxygen to the muscle tissue.

In addition, keeping yourself hydrated also helps fight the dehydration you may experience from the symptoms of your condition which, unknown to many, can actually be a very worrying factor for your IBS symptoms, such as constipation. Keep in mind that these types of symptoms cause your body to lose water quickly, which can lead to dehydration, and can even complicate your IBS.

This type of treatment, however, can only be used in addition to other forms of treatment, and should not be considered an alternative, especially since water therapy can only be truly effective in combination with other forms of treatment, such as intake from a diet rich in fiber.

Herbal Perdana -


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