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The Fertility Bane Called PCOS

Today, many women are seen as having hormone disruption. One of the most common of these hormone imbalances is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. This hormone imbalance is characterized by ovarian cysts which, though not harmful, can cause hormone imbalances.

The ovarian cyst is usually larger than the normal ovary and produces more than the amount of male testosterone hormone needed. Testosterone prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs every month, resulting in irregular or absent periods, resulting in infertility. If a woman affected by PCOS is pregnant, there are complicated pregnancy opportunities such as developing diabetes, pre-birth and even miscarriage. Therefore, close monitoring by the doctor in such cases is crucial to maintaining the health of the baby and the mother.

Other symptoms associated with this imbalance include weight loss and inability to lose weight, excessive facial hair, baldness, acne and other dermatological problems, depression and tenderness.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome has been linked to insulin resistance where the body fails to use insulin produced by the pancreas to process glucose into energy. Excess glucose remains in the bloodstream resulting in increased blood sugar levels. These sugars are then converted into fat through the liver and stored throughout the body leading to weight gain and obesity. Unused insulin that floats in the blood removes the hormones that lead to PCOS.

From the above discussion, one can assume that insulin resistance is a major cause of this hormone imbalance. If this condition is not managed, it can cause diabetes and heart disease.

PCOS can also be run in families. Although genetic tendency is one of the causes of this hormone condition, an unhealthy lifestyle has been widely associated with this syndrome. Therefore, in addition to medication, lifestyle changes are important in the management of PCOS. Since weight and obesity are synonymous with this syndrome, even a slight decrease in weight can help in the improvement of PCOS symptoms. Healthy diet and exercise regimen should be followed to reduce excess weight.

Because most PCOS patients are insulin resistant, a diet that maintains a stable blood sugar should be followed. Processed and snacks should be avoided. One should try and include high quality carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, brown rice, wheat bread, cereals and so on. These foods are rich in fiber and minerals. One can also include a source of lean protein for your diet.

Even a simple exercise routine such as regular walking can help. Research shows that while a diet supplemented by exercise may not show weight-loss results, they can certainly increase insulin sensitivity which in turn can bring ovulation back to the track and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Yoga routines that include pranayama and meditation can also be practiced. Certain yoga such as butterfly pose, posing butterfly pose, corpse pose and other poses can be useful in managing polycystic ovary syndrome. However, yoga practices can only be conducted under the guidance of a certified yoga teacher. If done regularly, yoga can help calm and soothe the mind and cause weight loss and positively impact the menstrual cycle.

PCOS is a chronic condition in which weight changes and fertility problems can affect a person's quality of life. Physical symptoms of PCOS can cause emotional distress and low self-esteem.

Diagnosis of this delay can also cause depression and anxiety that can lead to irregular cycles. Psychological errors can affect the management of PCOS which involves making informed decisions about health and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, in addition to physical health, emotional health issues should also be addressed in the treatment of this syndrome.

In conclusion, polycystic ovary syndrome is a chronic condition in which symptoms can be effectively managed by incorporating a comprehensive treatment plan to achieve physical and emotional health.


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