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Simple Home Techniques to Boost Your Body's Immunity

In addition to determining our overall quality of life, our immune system is very important because it also determines how we fight disease and remain disease free. Although some people's immune systems are compromised by serious illnesses such as TB or HIV, they may also have immune system functioning due to stress, diet and lack of exercise.


This is usually one of the most overlooked aspects of improving one's immune system. Our diet can determine whether our immune system will fight disease or become dehydrated. Foods containing antioxidants are usually highly recommended because they contain chemical components that slow down or prevent cell degradation. It is also recommended that people take the time to shop wisely when doing grocery shopping and make sure they read all the labels. This can avoid wasting money on buying foods that do little to your overall health.

The following foods can help supplement your diet with foods that can help your body fight disease

  • Wheat bread

  • Grains and oats

  • Green vegetables

  • Fruits are mainly berries

  • Sunflower and olive oil

Examine the role of pressure

Stress can also affect the immune system. Researchers have found information that seems to point to the fact that cells that fight the disease are slightly suppressed if one is facing stressful problems. To ease this, one can do exercise, reading and even learning to get lots of sleep

Sleep is also important. Many people do not get enough sleep and this can also affect their ability to ward off the disease that will be compromised.

Regular exercise

We live in a very busy society where people get fast food and very little exercise. This is not only a major cause of obesity, but it can also affect the way the body fights viruses and bacteria.

Drugs and alcohol

If one wants to have an excellent immune system, it is also important to look at their alcohol intake. This also applies to smoking. It has been found that smoking creates a way of attacking the common virus


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