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Types Of Kidney Stones

Calcium stone

This is the main type of stone found in 50% of people suffering from kidney stones. Kidney stones are commonly found in people who take excess calcium especially in the form of pills. People who suffer from recurrent kidney formation are more likely to have calcium oxalate.

Calcium and vitamins in the form of pills tend to aggravate the formation of kidney stones.

We all know that vitamin D is important in absorbing calcium. It's good for bones. But excessive absorption of vitamin D will only harm your health by producing calcium.

If you are diagnosed with this type of stone, then you should limit the use of dairy products, meat and poultry. Instead, start taking a high-fiber calcium diet.

Allopurinal has been proven to be the most effective remedy for calcium stone sufferers. However, if the drug shows any side effects in any patient, then he or she should stop taking it.

Uric Random Stone

Uric acid is a common type of kidney stone. This occurs when urine has a high concentration of uric acid or uric acid in this form that is easily soluble in water.

People at high risk of uric acid

People receiving chemotherapy to treat cancer have a higher concentration of uric acid in urine than normal people.

People who live in hot, arid regions and those who do not eat eight to ten glasses of water may have dehydration. They will result in lower urine output and thus increase the risk of uric acid.

People with inflammatory bowel disease or those with chronic diarrhea have low pH urine problems and low urine volume. This in turn will increase the formation of rocks.

Symptoms of uric acid stone

People suffering from uric acid will experience extreme pain and will also see blood in urine just like any other type of kidney ( Therefore, a complete diagnosis will only help identify the type of kidney. Usually uric acid stones will not be visible in X-rays. A CT scan and 24-hour urine test are needed to identify the stone.

Treatment for uric acid stones

Acidic acid although causing severe pain is not difficult to remove. Drink enough fluids along with increased urine pH levels to pass the uric acid stone. Usually shock wave treatment is not required to remove this type of stone.

How to prevent uric acid

Consuming more than 2 liters of water daily will help prevent uric acid. Fresh fruits will help increase your urinary pH levels by supplying potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate to the body.

If you do not get effective results in stone removal with the simplest approach above, then your doctor will advise you to take allopurinol.

Struvite rocks

Struvite stones are also described as infectious stones because they occur mainly due to urinary tract infections. These stones will grow quickly and will occupy most of the kidneys. Although many antibiotics are available nowadays, these infections are commonly present in 15 to 20% of kidney patients.

The bacteria that produce urinary tract infections and thus struvite stones are proteus and klebsiella. Any conditions that cause urinary tract infections with bacteria have the ability to produce ammonia that will be a major factor in the formation of struvite rocks. Because the bladder may have some urinary incontinence, it is likely that the bacteria are growing.

Symptoms of struvite stone

Struvite rocks do not show any symptoms like other rocks. Light pain and blood in urine can be seen. However these symptoms are usually associated with urinary tract infections only. Recurrent infection may be a symptom of struvite stones.

How to diagnose Struvite stones?

If you have recurrent urinary tract infections then you should go for x-rays or CTscan. This will obviously help in identifying the type of stone. Urine tests showing a pH level higher than 7 also indicate the formation of struvite rocks. Microscopic tests showing crystals in urine will also show Struvite stones.

What are the risks involved with this stone?

As mentioned, this stone can grow at a very fast rate and can cause frequent infections. Sometimes it can also cause acute kidney failure. Infection usually causes chronic kidney failure.

What treatments are available for treating Struvite stones?

The complications of this stone make it very necessary to get treatment as early as possible. Medication will not work for more people to get rid of this stone. Extra-body shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is useful in removing small stones. If the stone is difficult to remove by ESWL method then percutaneous nephrolithotomy may be used. In some rare cases, ESWL is used after percutaneous nephrolithotomy to remove smaller pieces of stone. For larger stones, open surgery is required.

After removing the rocks, follow-up is required at regular intervals to confirm that new rocks are not formed.

How to avoid Struvite rocks?

Struvite stone formation can be prevented by blocking or treating urinary tract infections. Once you have the struvite stones, you should remove them completely in any of the above methods. This is important because the struvite rocks will also lead to the formation of calcium stones and consequently kidney failure.

Cystine stone

The cyst stone is unusual in that its formation is closely related to a rare disease called Cystinuria. This problem occurs especially in children and young adults. Children with a family history of these stones are more likely to be affected by the disease.

Causes for the formation of Cystine rocks

It is a common fact that amino acids are refined in the urine. However, normal kidneys can absorb them from the urine and transfer them to the blood. In cystinuria, the kidneys fail to re-absorb from the uric acid amino acids. Therefore, cysts will dissolve in urine to form crystals. This in turn will result in stone growth.

How to diagnose this stone?

Unlike other stones, Cystine stones will cause ongoing pain. Children affected by the disease will complain of severe pain. This is one of the clear symptoms of this stone. X-rays will identify rocks but not as clear as calcium. However, an IVP or CT scan will clearly diagnose the stone.

X-rays are sufficient to diagnose pebbles.

Treatment for Cystine stones

Treatment for cyst stones is as important as any other stone as it can cause not only pain but also urinary tract infections and sometimes kidney failure. Traditional medicine involves taking enough fluid. Taking 3 liters of extra water will help dissolve the cystine stone. Sodium intake should be reduced. Usually cyst stones are the result of high pH levels in urine. The pH level must be reduced to pass the rock.

Taking lots of water will be more beneficial. Of course it's the cheapest form of medicine.


Sometimes the traditional methods above may not work. Therefore, people may need medication to remove stones or stones. Medications for this disorder are penicillamine, tiopronin and captopril. Pencillamine is available everywhere but it can cause little side effects. Tiopronin is the best drug available worldwide and has been proven effective in removing stones. Captopril will cause fewer side effects than the other two but is not very effective.

If the above medications do not produce any positive results then your doctor may recommend some other procedures. But in fact the shock wave does not give a successful result especially if the rock is large. The boulders are first broken down into smaller pieces and then the pencil is injected directly into the kidneys. This will help dissolve the pebbles.

Cystine stones are one of the most complex problems and traditional treatment should be continued for 1 or 2 years and this medicine should be continued for six months after treatment. This is important as it is possible to get more stones here. People who suffer from various stones are at high risk because they can lead to kidney failure and then have no choice but to undergo kidney transplantation which is the last way to cure the disease.

The medicine stone

People who are undergoing medication for any disease are also at risk for kidney stones because medications taken to cure the disease can form crystals and then the crystals can grow into stones.

People taking treatment for HIV infection with a drug called protease inhibitor indinavir and triamterene are also considered to be at risk for drug development.

Although we have divided the kidney into 5 types, some kidney stones will be formed by combining one or two types. One type of rock formation will tend to form another.

Kidney stones

The size and shape of the kidneys vary from person to person. However, it won't look like a smooth, round ball. The shape is irregular. It may vary from millimeters to several centimeters. Colors, textures and so on also vary from person to person.

The most common kidney stones are yellow and brown. But gold, tan and black can also be the color of corals. The normal shape of the kidney may be round, serrated or branchlike. Textures may also vary according to the order of the stones.


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