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The Best Method of Weight Loss Surgery

Once a decision has been made to choose Weight Loss Surgery, several factors will play out. There is a wealth of information on procedures that occur through rumors, misunderstandings, and outbursts. Unqualified sources may have heard horror stories called and told lurid stories, but generally, only a small percentage of the procedure was problematic, or required additional surgery.

Experienced and independent bariatric surgeons are the best and most qualified people to consult, and overall, they know how to handle most medical needs before, during, and after weight loss surgery.

There are two common types of weight loss surgery:

1. Limit procedures that reduce food intake.

2. Malabsorptive procedures that change digestion, causing the food to be less digested and not fully absorbed, to be eliminated in the fridge.

Gastric Restriction Procedure - Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) is a strict procedure that reduces the flow of digested food from the stomach, making the patient feel full for longer. The advantage is that they have a good amount of chewable food and enter the digestive tract. Also, patients tend to maintain their weight years after surgery. The risk is that the method of beating the stomach carries a small risk of staple infections and infections. It has been found that about 40 percent of patients lose less than half of their excess weight.

Malsbsorptive Procedure - Biliopancreatic Removal (BPD)

This operation also reduces the size of the stomach, but to a lesser extent. The idea is to limit the amount of food consumed and change the normal digestive process. This procedure adjusts how digestion and intestines control the amount of absorption of protein, fat, and fat-soluble vitamins.

The advantage of BDP-type procedures is that patients can eat more food than with a strict shortcut procedure, and because these operations provide the highest levels of malabsorption, they tend to produce the greatest weight loss. Long-term maintenance of overweight is more successful if patients continue their diet and exercise program. There are risks of course, especially bloated stomachs, gall bladder problems, and lifelong vitamin supplements.

Post surgery, there are some guidelines that must be strictly adhered to. Bariatric surgeons will have a variety of recommendations, depending on the type of surgery. It may take some time before the food is comfortable, and alcohol, carbonated drinks, milk shakes and high / high fat fiber foods should be avoided.


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