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How to Correct Bad Breath in Dogs

We often smell in our dogs and just think that it's because of something they eat. While this can be a cause, chronic bad breath, or halitosis, can be a symptom of a more serious medical problem.


The most common cause of breathing is tooth and gum problems. Plaque and tartar formation are dental problems that can cause periodontal disease. Small dogs, such as pugs, squirrels and Boston terriers, are particularly vulnerable to gum disease because their teeth are so different.

Bad breathing can also be caused by diabetes, inflammation of the nose or sinus and gastrointestinal problems. In some cases, halitosis can be caused by trauma, such as chewing something. Cancer and inflammation in the mouth and esophagus can cause bad odors. Some types of infections and foods that he or she eats can also be the cause.

Foreign objects in the mouth can cause bad breath. Check your dog's mouth for any grass, plants, bones, hair, sticks or objects that are trapped. Eating garbage, damaged foods, or dead animals can cause unpleasant odors. Some dogs are involved in coprophagia, which is the practice of eating their own stool, so this can cause odors.

Even your dog's normal diet can be the cause. Some dogs are unable to digest food properly, which can leave food absorbed partially in the mouth or tongue.


An offensive odor is the only symptom, unless more serious medical problems are present. For example, if your dog has dental problems, you may see loose teeth, blood in the mouth or a change in diet. If your dog has diabetes, you may experience an increase in drinking and urination. If she vomits and her eyes appear yellowish, it can be a sign of heart trouble. Breathing with urine odor may be a sign of kidney disease.


Your veterinarian will ask you about your dog's behavior, diet, oral hygiene and exercise routine. He will also check the dog's mouth and look for signs of tooth or gum problems. In some cases, X-mouth can be done. If a veterinarian believes that a more serious condition is present, blood work and other tests will be performed.


The treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If gum disease is a cause of halitosis, the veterinarian will perform a comprehensive dental cleaning. He can also pull out bad teeth. If this problem is caused by your dog's diet, you may need to switch to another food brand. If the stench is caused by a more serious problem, surgery, medication and long-term management may be necessary to maintain control.


There are many things you can do to make your dog's breath smell better. These include the following:

  • Regular vet visits for your dog. While your dog looks and behaves well, yearly inspections can prevent any serious health problems before they become dangerous and expensive.

  • Brush your dog's teeth regularly. There are toothbrushes and toothpaste made specifically for dogs. These toothpaste comes in a variety of flavors to make brushing fun. While it is best to brush daily, even a weekly toothbrush can do much to prevent toothache and gums.

  • If your dog has had dental or gum problems in the past, make sure you and your veterinarian continue to monitor your condition. They can continue to grow, causing a bad odor in your dog's mouth to return.

  • Hard toys offer your dog the opportunity to clean his teeth through chewing. Find a safe toy and bring it to her.

  • Dental treatment is also good to offer regularly. It is formulated to reduce odor by removing plaque. There are also various sprays, drops, gels and cookies available to refresh your breath.

  • Ask your doctor for any tips or advice. In severe cases, medications may need to be used to hide serious odor.


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