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How an Alkaline Diet Can Improve Diabetes Symptoms

With diabetes one will find plenty of advice out there on how to manage and control your blood sugar levels with diet. One factor that plays out, but not often discussed, is how maintaining your body's acidic balance can improve your health and reduce the symptoms of diabetes. And balancing your pH levels can be easily achieved by adding minerals to your daily regimen of vitamins.

PH refers to the measure of acid-base balance in the body. For example, the stomach is highly acidic, using hydrochloric acid to turn food into a liquid to aid digestion. The average pH level in the stomach is 1.35 to 3.50 (where 0 pH is considered to be acidic) while the body prefers to have a pH level of 7.35 to 7.45 (very low).

For diabetics, this is important information. DKA is also known as diabetic ketoacidosis with accumulated acids in blood and urine and as a condition, if left untreated, may be life threatening.

Symptoms include:

  • Excessive drought

  • Diabetes is frequent

  • Dizziness and vomiting

  • Stomachache

  • Weaknesses or fatigue

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Breathe in fruits

  • Mistakes

and for diabetic patients, specifically:

High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia)

High ketone levels in your urine

Nowadays the "Paleo Diet" or "Tent Diet" may be considered a modern fad, but for about 10,000 years, adjusting your eating regimen in this way can help you. Eat like our ancestors, a diet rich in fish, shellfish, eggs, peas, vegetables, roots, fruits, and berries. The food that hunters desperately needed.

You will not find any dairy here and you will not find cereals, sugar, beans, potatoes, processed oils, and any other food grown after humans have started cultivating the soil. Sugar-rich drinks like soda are strict because diets advise its followers to stick to water, coconut water or organic green tea. The introduction of agriculture is also made for a more acidic diet.

It may be difficult to adhere to a strict Paleo diet, however, and there are major benefits of converting gluten-free flour to vegetarian-based diets. Foods that produce low acids such as fresh fruits, soybeans, nuts, nuts, olive oil will all produce a balanced mineral body. This, along with remembering your blood sugar level, should achieve optimum body health.


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